Riot police attack Palestinian refugees in Athens (vom 28.12.2010),
URL: http://no-racism.net/article/3619/,
besucht am 10.03.2025
[28. Dec 2010]
On Monday morning of 27. December 2010 riot police attacked dozens of Palestinian refugees who had been camping outside the UNHCR offices in Athens for the last three months in the expensive suburb of Psychikon, demanding asylum.
8 of them had been on a protest hunger strike for the last three weeks. The riot police beat up the refugees and brought in bulldozers to destroy their tents and force them to leave the site.
This attack was anounced two day before by police. Their were calls to support the migrants and their long time struggle requesting political asylum: "Be in alert. To destroy the plans of the minister and stand in solidarity with Palestinian refugees."
On 25. December 2010 about 13:30 local time, some officials of greek ministry of cops warned Palestinian refugees who have camped for 2 months outside the UN offices (in Psihiko-Athens) that "tonight will be a bloodshed", if they do not take their tents and leave the space outside the UN offices. The Palestinian migrants (mostly laborers, many with their children) who are so long mocked by the authorities and by their fellow country men inside Palestinian community and the Palestinian Embassy, said that they will not leave, and that they will confront the attack of the police.
On 25. December it was the first time during two months of struggle outside UN offices in Athens, riot police forces were making their presence in the region. For many months, cops presence was limited in the area and didn't look for troubles. But the things changed...
Source :: clandestinenglish.wordpress.com on :: 25. Dec 2010 and :: 27 Dec. 2010.