
Turin, Bari, Lampedusa. And back (vom 27.03.2011),
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[27. Mar 2011]

Turin, Bari, Lampedusa. And back

The protests inside detention centres (CIE) in Italy are still going on. Here you find some information about the transferring of detainees across Italy and protests in the CIE in Turin, Gradisca and Rome.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011. Turin Caselle. Two first direct charter flights to Bari and then to Lampedusa left at 11.30 and 14. We do not know how many immigrants were involved in but it is not difficult to imagine that it is a stage in the game of 'bussolotti' of Maroni.

You load a few immigrants in Turin and drop them in Bari, where, after the deportation to Mineo* of a hundred asylum seekers, there is a little space. Then you fly to Lampedusa, load some Tunisians who have just arrived, and take them to Bari, again.

[*Mineo: sort of internment camp where asylum seekers are now been moved in order to transform the reception centres for asylum seekers (CARA) in centres for identification and deportation (CIE)]

Turin. The protests in the green area of ​​the CIE do not calm down. After the Sunday night fire that sent three living units out of five up in smoke, the detainees, all Tunisians, burned down tables and chairs in the canteen, where they were forced to sleep the night before.

Gathered in the courtyard and searched, they were deprived of their lighters. Other inmates have cut themselves: two have been medicated at the hospital.

Gradisca. The uprising and escapes on Sunday were a much bigger than what had been previoulsy leaked. According to newspaper reports the rooms still viable after the riots at the end February were damaged further.

Bad news instead from the front of CARA, tonight three asylum seekers were loaded onto an airplane and deported to Mineo.

Connecting People operators have cajoled the other guests of CARA with impossible promises. Some believed them, others don't. Some people think that in Mineo they will have a detached house for themselves and a job; other are tired, impatient, resigned.

Rome. 29 asylum seekers were transferred to Mineo from the CARA of Castelnuovo di Porto. A dozen activists from Action chained themselves at main entrance to prevent the deportation, but they were tricked by the police who brought the refugees out from a side entrance.

The Interior Minister had ordered the deportation of 55 people: following protests from some associations, some "vulnerable cases" were excluded from the list.

The plight of asylum seekers concentrated in Mineo will be even worse than at present. All practices are concentrated in a single Territorial Committee, and those who have appealed will find it difficult to attend the hearings; all networks of support and solidarity developed on the various territories have been broken.

Obviously the suffering of those who have already suffered war and persecution matters little to Maroni. The main thing is to please the electorate of the League. But the minister is in trouble up to his neck. The planned trip to Tunisia today has been postponed a few days, a sign that will not be easy to convince the Tunisian government to implement measures to fight immigration, and to maintain the commitments made this Summer by Ben Ali for a quick repatriation of illegal immigrants. The aid pledged to Tunisia to face the wave of refugees has been reduced to mere support to the repatriation of immigrants from Bangladesh. From the series: bring them home, so no risk of them coming to us in a boat to Lampedusa. There are those who wonder what happened to the money initially allocated for aid.

This article is a translation from the italian version - you can find the original with many links @ ::, 22. Mar 2011.