Polizeistaatliche Methoden gegen UNO Mitarbeiter (vom 14.11.2001),
URL: http://no-racism.net/article/398/,
besucht am 01.04.2025
[14. Nov 2001]
Bei einem nächtlichen polizeilichen Überfallg muß der Mann seine drei Kinder allein zuhause lassen, sich am Kommissariat nackt ausziehen und erkennungsdienstlich behandeln lassen- all das ohne Angabe des Grunds und ohne Möglichkeit zur Kontaktaufnahme.
Um gegen drei Uhr morgens drangen uniformierte und nicht uniformierte Beamte in die Wohnung von Herrn Saju Sebastian in Wien 12., schönbrunnerstrasse ein, weckten den mit seinen Kindern
im Alter von 11, 7, und 4 Jahren Schlafenden.
Er war nicht nur zur Ausweisleistung bereit, vielmehr präsentierte er auch eine Legitimation, aus dem die des Lesens hoffentlich kundigen Beamten gemeinsam mit einem Schreiben des Österreichischen aussenamts erkennen hätten können, dass der nun mit unfreundlichen Worten und Gesten Verhaftete, seit vielen Jahren Mitarbeiter der IAEA ist.
Die naturgemäß unversorgten Kinder, seine Frau hatte Nachtdienst als Krankenschwester im KH Lainz, mussten zurückgelassen werden.
Im Kommissariat in der Hufelandgasse musste sich Herr Saju Sebastian nackt ausziehen, wurde erkennungsdienstlich behandelt, immer ohne ihm den Grund für diese unfassbaren polizeistaatlichen Aktionen darzulegen. Erst gegen 10.00 Uhr konnte er das Kommissariat verlassen.
Zusammenfassend wurde nur einmal bedeutet es habe ihn jemand erkannt, dem angeblich Geld in dieser Nacht gestohlen worden sein soll, niemals wurde ein Grund für die geradezu abenteuerlichste Verhaftung genannt, es lag auch niemals ein Grund vor.
In Anbetracht dieser wohl ungewöhnlichen Amtshandlung erscheint insbesondere das Allein lassen dreier Kinder ein klarer gesetzlicher Verstoß zu sein. Die möglicherweise bewußt irregeleiteten Beamten haben sich erkennbar zu unverhältnismäßigen maßnahmen herabgelassen, die jedenfalls gesetzwidrig waren.
Aufgrund dieses unglaublichen Vorfalls wurde am gleichen Tag von Dr. Wolfgang Krauss, Vizepräsident der Österreichisch -Indischen Gesellschaft, der Unabhängigen Verwaltungssenat angerufen.
STATEMENT by Saju Sebastian IAEA
On Tuesday, 9 October 2001, at 3:00 a.m. I was alone "at home (Schoenbrunner strasse 1120 wien) with my 3 children, aged 11,
7 and 4, while my wife, she is a nurse, had night duty. My younger daughter, age 4, was sleeping in my room as she does not sleep well alone. My other two children were in their own room.
While sleeping I heard the doorbell ringing and a "heavy knocking noise" on my door. Through the small hole in the door, I saw 7 or 8 policemen standing outside. As I opened the door a man, who was with the police, nodded his head . They entered my apartment and
asked me whether I had seen this person before. I replied: "No!" I was not allowed to close the door of the apartment, I was asked to go inside and to sit down. I was under shock! They accused me of having robbed the person in the park near my apartment building ATS 3000 and his passport about 1 hour before. The suspected person ran into my apartment building using a key to open the
main entrance door.
As I denied the accusation they asked me whether anybody looking like an Arab living in our appartment. And I answered no. I
was questioned where I had spent the evening, when I had come home, etc. As they saw ATS 20000 laying on a small dressing table in the corridor, I was questioned about that, as well. I explained about the money. I told them that around 6:30 p.m. I drove my wife with my younger daughter to hospital in the 13th district. We came home around 7:30 p.m. and was at home for the rest of the
evening looking after my children. We went to bed around 9:00 pm. I was asked to show my clothes which I was wearing this evening. Hearing all the noises, my 11-year old daughter woke up and they questioned her also about my presence at home. She told them that I was at home and sleeping. I was not allowed to call my wife. Then I was asked to go along with them. I showed them my IAEA
Identification Card and the "Amtsbescheinigung" of the Bundesministerium fuer Auswaertige Angelegenheiten.
When I mentioned that I cannot leave my 3 children alone I was told that my 11 year old daughter is old enough to look after them. Only now I was allowed to call my wife. As I spoke to her she was crying and collapsed. She was unable to continue her duty. A friend had to bring her later home. The children were unable to go back to sleep since I left them alone. They did not attend school
as I always drive them.
Leaving my children alone, I had to go with the policemen to police station( Hufelandgasse 4 ,1120 Wien). There they took my
statement on paper and I signed them. Then they sent me to another person in another room. There I had to remove all my clothes and all my personal belongings (watch, ring, chain, money, identification card). Standing there naked a policeman made a physical check. After dressing I was taken to a cell.
After some time a doctor visited me and asked me about my health. I replied that I was okay. I requested to make a telephone call to my home to check about my children. I was not allowed to do so. Later a person called me out. He asked me to wash my hands, then he took my finger prints (all fingers from both hands). He took with a brush something from my mouth. As I asked him he
explained to me that it was DNA-Test. Photographs with numbers in front of me were taken.
After signing a few papers - I was not allowed a copy of them - my personal belongings were given back to me. As I explained to the person, (who made the fingerprints, the DNA-Test and the photographs), what had actually happened, he said that this all was unnecessary. He explained to me that I will have to go to the court anyway and I have to prove in the court that the other person was lying and then that other person would be fined. After
the check, finger-printing and photographing, I was allowed to leave at 10:15 hrs, this morning. The
telephone number of the police station where I was taken is: 81107/4513.