December 18, 2012 - Global Day of Action: WE MIGRATE TO LIVE, NO MORE DEATHS, NO MORE MISSING PEOPLE (vom 26.08.2012),
URL: http://no-racism.net/article/4152/,
besucht am 07.01.2025
[26. Aug 2012]
Besides demanding the ratification and application of the U.N. Convention for the Rights of Migrant Workers and their Families (signed December 18, 1991), this year we believe it is important to highlight and denounce the tragedy confronted daily by people on the borders.
Every day thousands die or disappear during their trip in search of a better future.
Two situations among the many that we could take on are forcing us to give priority to this situation. For once, the struggle of the relatives of young people who have disappeared from Tunisia. These relatives are demanding from Tunisia, Italy and the European Union a truthful account on the circumstances under which these young people could have died or disappeared, in particular on the Mediterranean Sea, which is supposed to be the ocean with the greatest military control.
On the other hand, there is perseverance of Central American families that for many years have organized the "caravan of dignity" across the border in search of their relatives disappeared in transit from Mexico to the U.S. These are only two examples of similar struggles carried out on many other borders.
Our aim is that also this year all campaigns that are taking place all over the world and that refer to those dramatic events meet, and that the day of Migrants Global Action again becomes a common space which is able to make the whole world hear the scream of protest, the scream that demands the truth and the justice for dead and disappeared migrants.
What we are asking is that each organization in their own country, region or city develop an initiative to denounce the tragedy of death and disappearance of migrants. Each locality is free to do it from their own perspective.
What will unite all these initiatives will be the logo of the action which you can download from the web site. The aim of the Global Day of Action is to put the light on all activities which already take place and which defend migrants' rights and make them emerge, as well as contribute to the creation of a global movement of migrants and of who supports them.
We are seeking to create more visibility internationally and to build an international movement for the rights of migrants, refugees and displaced people.
The web site of the day of action will be the repository of information on all the initiatives and campaigns that are being organized and that will take place on December 18, 2012. We invite all organizations to send us their web page links and the material they produce in this direction.
A new day of action for the rights of migrants, refugees and displaced people is possible this coming December 18, 2012!
Source :: globalmigrantsaction.org