Refugee struggle in Germany: Protest march to Berlin (vom 04.09.2012),
URL: http://no-racism.net/article/4163/,
besucht am 05.03.2025
[04. Sep 2012]
Call for all refugees: Protest March from Würzburg to Berlin - Start 8th of September 2012.
"The human being's mission to achieve freedom is not to stand in line but to disrupt the queue." (Che Guevara)
You, all the asylum seekers that live under inhumane conditions in Germany and see your lives and the lives of your children going through a gradual death, you who like prisoners are kept in asylum seekers' camps, facing all the Apartheid discriminatory conditions that treat you like second class citizens, you who expect your deportation order to arrive at any moment, you who stand at the lowermost layers of the society, carrying all the weight of the unfair society on your shoulders, whilst the only thing you are allowed to do is to obey the cruel and inhuman rule of limited travelling range, NOW is the time to rise up against all this!
NOW is the time of our uprising because we do not want to passively witness the death of one of us, since the inhumane treatment of the asylum seekers in Germany can lead any human being to a gradual or a sudden death.
Now after 5 months since the start of the asylum seekers' protest in Germany, that began on 19th of March 2012 in Würtzburg and inspired asylum seekers of other cities to rise up, the movement strengthened by the resistance and perseverance of the asylum seeker is going to aim for a much bigger step.
We will NOT respect the laws that do not respect us as human beings
The striking asylum seekers all over the Germany who have initiated a strong and coordinated joint protest, have decided to launch a new action on 8th of September: on this day asylum seekers will move towards Berlin from 2 different routes and after gathering in this city they will show to the German government that any action towards implementation of the inhumane deportation law will be responded back by the asylum seeker's movement and will not remain unopposed. They will shout louder than ever that they will continue their struggle until the asylum seekers' camps with their catastrophic conditions are abolished. In fact by gathering in Berlin, the asylum seekers will actively disobey the discriminatory law of limited travelling range, which forces the asylum seekers to remain within a certain area.
This well coordinated action, which is solely organized by the asylum seekers themselves and is independent of any political party or group, will be a way to strongly voice the opposition against the 'limited travelling range' law.
As mentioned before, the march towards Berlin will start simultaneously from 2 separate routes: one in which asylum seekers will walk from Würzburg towards Berlin and the other where they will use transportation means and will pass through west of Germany. The two marches will arrive at the same time in Berlin and will join each other. This action will first be launched by the asylum seekers from two provinces of South Germany (Bayern and Baden-Württemberg), but will not remain limited to only these two provinces. All asylum seekers living in camps and places that are on the way to Berlin will be visited and they will all be invited to join the protest.
We call all the asylum seekers who like us will no more bear the inhuman conditions and have in different ways revolted against them, to join us so that by uniting our forces we can bring the decades of struggles for the asylum seekers' rights to its long awaited goal.
In Berlin we will stand hand in hand and in solidarity and we will once more announce our legitimate demands;
In the past five month, we have been fighting on the streets under various conditions with its highs and lows. During this time we felt your support and the solidarity you demonstrated made our path easier.
Now, with the apparent expansion of the struggle for a better world it is more than before necessary, that we and you, as humans stand side by side in this struggle.
The strike of the refugees in different places and cities of Germany starts on September 8, 2012 to move towards Berlin. On two path we will march and drive to Berlin. For realization and organization of this big step we need further support. We call therefore for your financial support. Each amount, be it low or high, is one part that strengthens our struggle.
Donations can be transfered to the account of the Förderverin of the CARAVAN:
Recipient: Förderverein Karawane e.V.
Account number: 40 30 780 800 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting KOSTENLOS
40 30 780 800 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
Bank: GLS Gemeinschaftsbank eG
Bank number (Bankleitzahl): 430 609 67
Please give the following reason for payment: "Protestmarsch Berlin"
In solidarity we move
The coordination committee of striking refugees in the Federal Republic of Germany