
Support for protestmarch from Traiskirchen (vom 21.11.2012),
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[21. Nov 2012]

Support for protestmarch from Traiskirchen

On Saturday refugees and asylum seekers start their protest march from Traiskirchen to Vienna to demand human living conditions and all rights for refugees. Solidarity and (practical)support with refugees!

"We demand our rights!"

The protests of refugees,asylum seekers and supporters continue!
Everywhere in Europe and also in Austria refugees are forced to live under oppressive, racist,inhuman and unbearable conditions. But there is resistance and it will not stop until this conditions are abolished once and for all!!

24th of November : 9a.m.
Protestmarch from the refugee camp in Traiskirchen to Vienna
4p.m.- 6p.m. In front of
the Asylgerichtshof (Laxenburgerstr. 36 - 1100 Vienna):

From 12th to 14th of October Somalian refugees were protesting in front of the Vienna parliament to demonstrate the bad situation in which they are currently living in and to demand the following:
Put an end to Dublin-II-deportations! For the right to an asylum proceeding in Austria!
Put an end to the agonizing waiting periods – for faster processing of requests for asylum!

Approve refugee status, abolish uncertainty, disenfranchisement and fear!
Right to family reunion!
Unrestricted access to job market for refugees seeking asylum!
Until now there was no reaction from the politicians at all...

On Saturday, 10th of November, a demonstration in solidarity with refugee protests in Vienna and all over Europe took place.
Refugees, migrants,asylum-seekers and supporters were protesting against the racist asylum policy ofEurope in general and Austria in particular. The situation hasn't changed since then!

Many refugees wait for years for the results of their demand of Asylum. The access to basic ressources like food, clothes and education as well as access to the job market is made extremely
complicated., especially because it's very hard to get any free legal support of lawyers.
The accommodation in isolated and crowded places is sharpening this conditions and takes every freedom of movement and social connection from the refugees. Additionally, they are entirely at the mercy of the authorities. Austria deports people to regions where they face war and persecution.

In the current discussion about the accommodation of asylum-seekers, the Ministry of the Interior and federal states are arguing their internal conflicts at the expense of the refugees - whose needs are not even slightly taken into account. The only options state-run institutions provide for refugees are inhuman pseudo solutions, like
placing them in container-camps or the forced transfer to remote areas.

The situation in Traiskirchen is that outrageous that the people form there will show their protest by walking to Vienna!
They demand:

- Sufficient and edible food in traiskirchen
- Change all the interpreters in traiskirchen
- More/better doctors there
- Asylum within afew days
- Language school in traiskirchen
- Access to law support
- Access to practical apprenticeship

Let's show our support!
CALL FOR SUPPORT: Refugee permanent demonstration in Vienna from
Saturday 24^th November

"We demand our rights!"

The protests of refugees, asylum seekers and their supporters continue!
Everywhere in Europe and also in Austria refugees are forced to live
under oppressive, racist, inhuman and unbearable conditions. But there is resistance and it will not stop until this conditions are abolished once and for all!

24th of November : 7 a.m. Protest march from the refugee camp in
Traiskirchen to Vienna
Following: permanent manifestation in Vienna at Votivpark

For this protest, many resources are still needed. For any kind of
support, please contact: 06803205000 -- refugeesolidarity (at)
- sleeping bags, mattresses, blankets, pillows, tents
- big tents (circus, army, scouts, etc.) for meetings, kitchen, sleeping, infopoint
- money
- legal support
- warm clothing
- canvas, any kind of rain/weather protection
- food