The protest of refugees in Europe: Press conference in Brussels (vom 03.12.2012),
URL: http://no-racism.net/article/4301/,
besucht am 26.03.2025
[03. Dec 2012]
Press conference by refugees on the 3rd of December 2012 at 11 am in Brussels, in front of the European Parliament. The media are invited to come and report on the protest of refugees in Europe.
"After Friday’s suppression in Amsterdam, where we were denied our right to protest, and after yesterday’s suppression in Berlin at the Brandenburg Tor, after the suppression in Vienna which is a nightmare for the refugees there, we – the protesting refugees – realised that this system is not willing to grant certain fundamental rights to the refugees. What is more, instead of abolishing those laws which are effectively oppressing us, the system in Europe wants to drive us out. Therefore, we took to the streets to make our demands happen. Now, we will raise our voices even louder than before.
We invite you to our press conference: On the 3rd of December 2012 at 11 am in Brussels, in front of the European Parliament, in the centre of the John Cockerill park.
We invite all of Belgium’s media to come to the press conference to report on the protest of refugees in Europe."
Source :: refugeetentaction.net, 02. Dec 2012