We demand our rights! - Demonstration to UNHCR office (vom 09.12.2012),
URL: http://no-racism.net/article/4311/,
besucht am 26.03.2025
[09. Dec 2012]
Demons- tration from the Refugees Protest Camp to the UN-City Vienna on Mon, 10th of December 2012. Start: 12:00 o'clock at Refugee Protest Camp Sigmund Freud Park (next to metro station Schottentor and University) in Vienna.
:: Flyer as pdf
After 2 weeks of protest-camp in cold weather, we the refugees, who marched from Traiskirchen to Vienna on 24th of November are calling for a ralley to the Vienna UN headquarters. Austrian politicians and higher authorities are refusing until today to respond to our demands. For this reason, we want to bring our demands to an international level and present them to the United Nations' refugee agency UNHCR.
Now, we expect from the UNHCR, who have to be engaged for Human Rights of the refugees worldwide, to listen to our demands and to support us to get our rights.
These are the central demands that we refugees want to present to the UNHCR:
* We demand the right to asylum for all our reasons of flight. As in our countries, there is no safe life for us due to many different reasons.
* We demand the right to work.
* We want access to German courses and to professional education.
* We don't want to live in isolated camps, but in places with human conditions.
* If Austria refuses to accept us, we demand from the institutions of the UN to support us to get our fingerprints deleted so that we can travel to a safe country where we can live and stay.
We are approximately 50 refugees who are staying at Sigmund Freud Park up till today, after many of us have been transferred by force to other regions of Austria. We are continuing our struggle and declare to the government, that they won't bring us down. They must stop playing Ping Pong with refugees and asylum seekers in Austria. If our demands are not fulfilles tomorrow, there will be more protest camps in other cities and regions of Austria.
Come and join our demo, show your solidarity with the refugees in struggle!
Support the Refugees Protest Camp Vienna!
No border, no nation, stop deportation!