
Desperate steps (vom 07.10.2013),
URL:, besucht am 22.02.2025

[07. Oct 2013]

Desperate steps

Information from a pressrelease by ODS-Sevilla refering to the incidents of the last weeks in Ceuta and Melilla.

The migrants around Ceuta and Melilla live in self-made camps without water and food, pressed by various mafias and people who take advantage of the evil of others, especially our their and other governments.

They are persecuted by the Moroccan police - asked by Spain and Europe to do so. And that includes hunting, abuse, death, beatings and expulsion to the border with Algeria, a desert with no hope but death.

The newspaper-headlines are drawing 'invasion' instead of a logical dynamic of the movement of humans.

People are killed from one side, on the other abandoned and on the other side they have the open sea. The situation of migrants in the north of Morocco, near to Ceuta and Melilla with the slaughtering police, pressing mafias and destruction of the spaces of migrants in the forests make people organizing themself to jump the highest fences of europe, to constuct rubber rafts or just to take a inner tube or wear a rubber suit and swim across the border.

Migration is a reality of powerty, wars and inbalance that is caused by capital. Migration can be marginalized and repressed but can never be hidden (nor stopped).

Meanwhile persons are robbed of their most basic rights as individuals.

No one is illegal!
No more deaths at the borders!
Everyone has the right to have rights!
Freedom of moovement for everybody!

Oficina Derechos Sociales, Sevilla