
Solidarity Demo at Traiskirchen (vom 18.07.2015),
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[18. Jul 2015]

Solidarity Demo at Traiskirchen

Monday 20.07
Demo start: from 6 p.m. in front of the refugee Lager, Otto Glöckel-Str. 24 demo through the town and back to the Lager entry

Human Dignity and Justice for Refugees at Traiskirchen! Refugees Welcome!

> Asylum seekers speak out for their rights and human treatment!
> Stop the Human Rights violations in Traiskirchen! > Housing and freedom of movement for all instead of tents, homelessness, detention, forced transfers and deportations!
> An opportunity for refugees to raise attention for their situation and demands! An opportunity to get active together: all over Austria, fighting racist asylum policies together!
> Female refugees are especially invited to make statements. The megaphone is yours!
The demo was registered and confirmed by the police.

>> Demo start: Monday 20.07 from 6 p.m. in front of the refugee Lager, Otto Glöckel-Str. 24
>> Demo through the town and back to the Lager entry, where refugees and everyone else are invited to gather. There will be a meeting for exchange and planning - concerning the demo on the following Sunday, the situation in Traiskirchen and all of Austria, and what to do against it.

Hundreds of refugees rallied at Traiskirchen on July 11, 2015. Many of them spoke out on their lack of accommodation, decent food, medical, psychological and legal assistance, access to information and translations. Same for Refugees from the tent camps at Linz, which, additionally, already put forward their most pressing demands. Needed changes and solidary support and common, nationwide demands shall be drawn up at regular meetings, starting from 20/07/2015.

It's high time to listen to the people in Traiskirchen, whose voices are mostly ignored, how they see their own situation, what they want and demand, and to support their daily struggle. It´s high time to stand up and intervene actively against the vile, racist asylum policies of Austria's Interior Ministry and government!

Again and again, Refugees in Traiskirchen experience repression because they resist against the daily injustice and maltreatment. For example, those who recently blocked the Lager gate to protest against their forced transfer to Eisenstadt´s tent camp were violently arrested. Resistance is justified and growing - as long as conditions are unbearable in Lagerss in Austria, as well as in EU border countries, where asylum seekers (e.g. due to Dublin-III) are brought against their will.

> After the demo on Monday, the 20th, there is also one on Sunday, the 26th of July:

Large demo in Traiskirchen - Refugees and friends, take the streets!
Opening: July 26th from 1 p.m., Traiskirchen Bahnhofplatz, Badener Bahn station (connections to Vienna).
Followed by a protest march through the city to the refugee Lager gate and networking