
BREAKING NEWS: On the Move! The 'March of Hope' (vom 04.09.2015),
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[04. Sep 2015]

BREAKING NEWS: On the Move! The 'March of Hope'

On Friday, 4th of September 2015 around 1pm, about 1000 or more refugees started to leave Budapest on foot. They are marching to the Austrian border.
At a refugee detention camp in Röszke near Szeged, hundreds of refugees tried to escape. On Saturday, 5th of September a second March of hope is on the way.
For further information see the links below.

update 05.09.2015, 12 am

Second #marchofhope on the way to Austria.

:: #marchofhope
:: #migrantmarch
:: #refugeeswelcome
:: #zeitonline


Alles, was wir bisher über den Flüchtlingsmarsch aus Budapest wissen: ::

#Twitter-Liste zum #MigrantMarch #marchofhope: :: zeitonline

Ungarn will Busse organisieren: ::

Hungary announces it will provide buses to take refugees & migrants to the Austrian border: :: BBC Breaking News

Updates from :: - 04.09.2015

23:41 It has been circulating for a while in the international media, that most of the people at Keleti are not registered in Hungary. This is just not true. The overwhelming majority had already given their fingerprints directly after they crossed the Serbian/Hungarian border because Hungarian police forced them to do so. Furthermore, it is not true that under the Dublin-Regulation Hungary is obliged to prevent the refugees leaving the country. The logic behind the Dublin-Regulation is another one: A state has to take back a person after an irregular border-crossing not already preventing it.

21:53 Actually, there are two #marcheofhope right now. One left from Keleti with about 2.000 people and walks on the highway. One left from Bicske on the railways. We don’t know it the people on the Bicske-march were in the blocked train or in the Bicske-camp before or both.

21:41 Even though thousands of refugees left with trains and the #marchofhope thousands still are at Keleti.

17.45 #marchofhope is close to Biatorbágy now.

17:34 There are reports and footage on twitter of a march of 300 refugees that have broken away from the train in Bicske. That would make the second march.

17:17 Several sources reports attacks by football hooligans on refugees at Keleti, police is intervening, refugees are fighting back. is reporting the first death in Bicske: a 50-year-old refugee from Pakistan fell and hit his head. We are trying to confirm, while there are reports of heavily armed riot police gathering in Bicske.

16:52 More and more observers of #marchofhope estimate participant numbers in the several thousands, not just some hundred.

16:47 Nazi attack at Keleti, fire crackers thrown into a group of refugees. No injuries we know of, and police protected the nazis as they were confronted by the refugees.

15:07 #marchofhope has passed the 7 km mark.

14:54 Hungarian police :: is using tear gas in Röszke camp.

14:29 On a side note. According to Hungarian police, apprehensions of refugees at the HUN-SRB border in the last 24 hours reached 3313, that is an all time high. That fence is sure working out well.

14:14 The 300 refugees that have escaped from the camp in Röszke have been reapprehended by the police.

13:39 We hear that at least 1.000 refugees have just started a foot march from Budapest to Austria, they are currently on a bridge crossing the Danube.