Migszol Call to Action: Email your MEP to act about Hungary (vom 11.09.2015),
URL: http://no-racism.net/article/4850/,
besucht am 22.02.2025
[11. Sep 2015]
The followers and friends from Migszol all over Europe have asked them in the last months and weeks what can they do about the plight of refugees in Hungary. Now there is something you can personally do: email your member of the European Parliament and demand them to act about the suffering of asylum seekers in Hungary and about the new draconian legislation that will allow all asylum seekers to be deported to Serbia.
It is time to demand political change from people who are competent to make it happen. Thank you!
1) Copy paste the message below to an email
2) find :: the MEP you wish to reach and their email address
3) add your own additions to the text if you wish
4) send it, and;
5) share this with others so that they can do the same!
Dear Representative,
I am writing to you as an angry and disappointed European citizen to ask you to fulfill your duty as a democratic representative. I ask you to pressure the government of Hungary to see to the humanitarian needs of refugees currently in Hungary and to let the refugees in Hungary travel onwards to other European destinations using safe means of transportation.
As you are no doubt aware the current situation for refugees in Hungary seriously threatens the EU’s commitment to fundamental rights and freedoms and the safety of refugees and those seeking protection. Such actions on the part of the Hungarian government, while failing to stop or manage effectively those refugees in search of protection, work instead to create a situation that places refugees at greater levels of risk and fuels the criminal activities of smugglers. For example:
The government of Hungary has failed to provide safe and humane conditions for people at the Keleti train station in Budapest and the overcrowded refugee camps around the country.
There have been serious human rights violations of people seeking protection in Hungary. These include detention of vulnerable people in inhumane conditions with no individual assessment, physical threat from police, denied access to food, water and basic healthcare, and segregating family members from each other
The Hungarian authorities have failed to protect refugees and those seeking protection from the physical threats and abuse of neo-Nazi groups.
Hungary has made crossing its border with Serbia extra-legally, punishable by up to 8 years in prison while at the same time building a fence with the intention of making legal crossing an impossibility.
The new and the planned changes to the Hungarian asylum law seriously endanger access to protection in the following ways:
With this in mind we ask you again as a democratic representative to do all in your power to pressure the Hungarian government to ensure that the rights and values upon which the European Union was founded are enacted with respect to those seeking protection in Hungary and beyond.
Yours faithfully,
Source :: migszol.com, 07. Sep 2015