
Updates from the borders, 15. Oct 2015, 22:30 (vom 16.10.2015),
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[16. Oct 2015]

Updates from the borders, 15. Oct 2015, 22:30

Updates from the borders and migration routes in Croatia, Serbia and Hungary. Donations still needed, volunters needed in Hegyeshalom and other places.

Serbian - Macedonian border

- PRESEVO - The situation is stable, waiting hours varies depending on number of refugees coming. Serbian Defense Minister said additional container homes and tents would be set up in the reception center in Presevo and the temporary tent camp in Miratovac to prepare for winter. This will increase capacity and let's hope refugees will not have wait hours outside.

- Your help is needed there, all volunteers are requested of register to some official NGO. Only volunteers through an accredited aid organization are eligible to work in Presevo. United Volunteers Presevo provides the opportunity for volunteers to register with UVP in order to gain these privileges, however, volunteers must agree to the organization and terms of volunteering prepared by UVP. Please read all details and contacts at, also about donations process. Or as for approval to closed FB group At the moment there are enough volunteers, also indoor room for mothers and kids has been arranged.

- If you are able to donate shoes and warm clothes (also socks, gloves and hats), it would be great to have them in Presevo - Red Cross and UNHCR called for donations here. Please be sure, that all clothes and shoes are sorted and labelled in English, otherwise it is difficult to distribute them and sorting takes precious time. Especially children suffer from cold. Volunteers are now able to enter into the registration camp.

- Contacts: There has been setup a coordination phone line, which should be used by volunteers approaching Presevo - +381 642 653 479 - they will let you know about the situation. Also there has been set up an storage room and also room for volunteers to sleep, info line will give you more detailed info about the situation - but call only when approaching Presevo.


- Donations for IRPeace needed - they need money to be able to transfer materials in warehouses in Szeged to other places around the region. There are still donations in Szeged which would be helpful at other places, but IRPeace does not have enough means to arrange transport. Please contact Daniel.szatmary (at) if you are able to help.

- Donations for Migration Aid and for SOS-BAMAKO! Two Hungarian organizations still needs donations, their warehouses are empty again. They are providing food, water and other help to those refugees waiting for long hours in trains and buses to be transported further in Zakany and Hegyeshalom.

- Please see regular daily updates about what is needed and how to donate at and please donate! Newly they are also able to cook warm meals!

- NEW: MigrationAid has a new temporary storage room close to the border area near Gyor where we can accept the same donations as in the Verseny street storage. Address: Duna street 28, Abda. Reception of donations only weekdays 10.00 - 12.00 (not on weekends or holidays). Also Budapest, Verseny street 10, still open for donations 16.00-20.00 every day.

- Information about donations from abroad:

- HEGYESHALOM - If you are going to help on Hungarian side (and certainly your help with distributing food is very needed and welcome), please first contact Migration Aid - Andras Siewert, Tel.: +36 30 895 1917, E-mail: operations (at),

- ZAKANY - Refugees at Zakany constantly need water and food for lunchpackets (bananas, apples, sliced bread, sliced cheese, muesli bars), also baby food and diapers. Please donate and help them. You can also send money via For more information contact Petra Szabo . Zakany also needs volunteers for days starting Friday!

- And also: information on trains coming from Tovarnik crossing Botovo, Zákány, Győr for Hegyeshalom is now being collected in the group originally started for train information in Hungary. Please share and feel free to add information on trains (place, time, approximately number of people, special needs) at MiG RAiL:

- BUDAPEST - You still come to help with preparing thousands of foodpacks at BERKOCSIS STR. 41, daily from 11:00. Also your donations will be appreciated: "We need tons of: rolls, pepper, apple, cereal bars, chocolate bars, yoghurt, triangle cheese, and plactic bags with carrier to HUNGARY, BUDAPEST 1084, BERKOCSIS STR. 41 (green door) to prepare food for Hegyeshalom."

Croatia - Serbian border

- BAPSKA/BERKASOVO - Situation is stabilized, not many refugees like previous day. 25 volunteers on site, cold weather, rain and strong winds.

- NEW: Theree has been set up a universal coordinating number for Bapska/Berkasovo - +381 649 366 029. When arriving on place, please report yourself at the coordination team and please obey they instructions.

- Croatian police set up army tents in the waiting area so now all the area is covered. Rain is expected for next two days so raincoats and warm clothes is always welcomed. Also large tents will be helpful,

- Room at local hotel has been rented and 10 volunteers could have a rest and take shower there between the shifts, a house will be rented starting Wednesday for this purposes by Czech "People in need" NGO (PIN). Large coordination meetings of all NGOs on the place (UNHCR, Red Cross, Operation Mercy, World Vision, MSF) are being held twice a week to better coordination of all efforts, supplies and medical aid. Volunteers are now allowed to cook for themselves, so you can bring you camping cooker and other stuff to feed yourself and your volunteer mates. There are being held efforts to rent single house for volunteers, but still no luck.

- All volunteers in Serbia must fill a short form and be registered to police, our volunteers went through the registration today and it is only a small form. System has been established to deliver all forms to police station in Šid via one person.

- Clothes: there are quite enough warm jackets and other clothes, but huge demand for gloves, hats, shoes and socks. Other donations: bags (backpacks, ikea bags, plastic waste bags). Don't bring t-shirts and other summer clothes, there is no time tom deliver them at all and they takes space in the storages.

- Donations: Raincoats needed. Also 5l and 0,5l water packages, gloves, plastic cups and spoons, lot of black tea bags, duct tape, cookies, chocolate bars, bananas.

- Volunteers from the Czech republic are asked to use to assign their timeslots and offer/demand transport to Croatia/Serbia.

- Location of makeshift camp is near Šid at Serbian side, when approaching Šid from west (from Tovarnik) turn left on light, and after 2,5 km turn slightly left when road turns right (fork type of crossroad), then through the fields cca 3,5 km and you arrive on the spot.

- Even when working on Serbian site at Bapska border crossing, try to set permanently Croatian phone operators to stay within EU roaming prices.


- Volunteers helping at Miksaliste (Mostarska 5, Beograd) set up also their VolunteerSpot account and are asking anyone who is in Belgrade to sign up for various tasks needed to be done there. Visit to see what is needed there and to sign up for timeslots, or email them at refugeeaidserbiavolunteers (at)

Other news

- Amnesty international released their report of abusing refugees in Hungary in September, read here:

- Hungarian PM Orban announced that the fence at the Croatian border is ready and border can be sealed within an hour after government's decision. He announced that some decision will be made on Friday morning.

- Croatia announced that it will never close borders like that and will treat people like people. No information about Slovenia though.

- Archive of these updates could be found at

- Police department in Burgenland (Eastern Austria) has opened a 24hr hotline. Family members who are looking for their relatives can call: +43 591 331 033 33

- If you are willing to donate money to Czech team in Serbia, you can use my paypal paypal (at) and I will move the funds immediately to the people on site. You can also donate donation (at) for MigrationAid. Thanks to those who already donated!

- When traveling to help, always take headlight, reflexion vest, good shoes, protective gloves and warm clothes and be prepared for rain. And always try to contact anyone in charge of coordination on site and obey his instructions and forget about any alcohol on site. Please also note that situation may change at any time.

- Czech only: Kordinátoři sestavili Kodex dobrovolníka, který se vycestováním zavazujete dodržovat:

- Odkaz na užitečný manuál pro dobrovolníky je - určitě čtěte před odjezdem. Pro vjezd do Srbska stačí jakákoli platná občanka.

Source ::, 15. Oct 2015.