Second Refugee Demo in Graz - Time is running out! (vom 21.10.2015),
URL: http://no-racism.net/article/4945/,
besucht am 14.03.2025
[21. Oct 2015]
On saturday 24th october 2015 there will be the second refugee demonstration in Graz. The refugee protest camp at PAZ Graz in Paulustorgasse is to be continued.
Meeting point: 12 am, Jakominiplatz, 8010 Graz
Dear Austrian people!
We are refugees from countries like Syria and Iraq where there is war! Some of us are waiting over 5 months, some of us over 1 1/2 years to get a decision on asylum (Asylbescheid) Only with a decision on asylum we can get save our families which are still in danger in our homecountries! Please support our claims and support us!
After the demonstrationmarch we will have something to eat for a free donation! :-)
Refugees Graz @ facebook: :: refugeesgraz