
Keep the borders open! No to fences, walls and Fortress Europe! (vom 29.10.2015),
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[29. Oct 2015]

Keep the borders open! No to fences, walls and Fortress Europe!

The 'Plattform für eine menschliche Asylpolitik' calls for international protest against borders on Saturday 14th November 2015. Meeting place in Vienna: 2pm, Interior Ministry, Minoritenplatz (U3 Herrengasse), 1010 Wien.

:: Call for 14 November 2015 for international protests against borders

Saturday November 14th 2015, 2pm
Interior Ministry, Minoritenplatz (U3 Herrengasse), 1010 Wien

An unprecedented wave of solidarity for refugees has risen across Europe and is proclaiming loud and clearly "refugees-welcome and open the borders". Thousands of refugees and their solidary supporters forced the governments of Europe to open its borders. Now they want to roll back the positive developments with fences, border posts and barriers enforced by the military and police - not just on the periphery, but within the EU.

Britain and France are harassing refugees in Calais. Bavaria is threatening to close its borders to Austria. Austria is planning to erect a barbed wire fence on the border to Slovenia. Slovenia's prime minister asked for European military assistance to control its border with Croatia. Along the "Balkan route" Hungary and Macedonia already used brutal violence against refugees on its borders to Serbia and Greece, respectively. Greece's government keeps the land border to Turkey closed forcing thousands of refugees to the murderous route through the sea.

After fleeing their countries under severely adverse circumstances, asylum seekers again suffer terrible conditions at the borders. Thousands already died in the Mediterranean. And winter is coming. The situation requires an instant, internationalist answer - not barbed wires and violence against refugees. Everywhere people are helping refugees and resisting the inhuman agenda of their governments.

- Open the borders immediately! No to fences, walls and Fortress Europe!

- Instant shelter for everyone and humane treatment of refugees!

- Stop all deportations! No one is illegal!

- Resignation of all responsible ministers!

:: Plattform für eine menschliche Asylpolitik