Call for protest at Bapska border crossing (vom 30.10.2015),
URL: http://no-racism.net/article/4968/,
besucht am 10.03.2025
[30. Oct 2015]
no border serbia calls for solidarity and direct actions on the borders! Protest at Bapska border crossing on the the international action day on 31st of October 2015.
In order to join the international action day against borders, Fortress-Europe, apartheid walls and fences, and as a symbolic act of solidarity with migrants in their every day struggle for freedom and dignity - we are calling you to take part in the solidarity action on Saturday, on 31st of October on the Serbian-Croatian border (Bapska border crossing).
As the comrades from Greece wrote (:: change4all.eu) - we can not be silent facing death and suffer. As long as borders exist, as long as we are surrounded by fences and walls the European Union will be committing the killing of thousands of people, and the Balkan states are part of this murder machine too.
After the meeting on the Western Balkans Migration Route in Brussels (:: europa.eu) plans of mass deportations are already preparing to be carried out, also more increased presence of Frontex in the region is expected, shortly, it's the time to show unity and resistance, and send a powerful message: This madness has to end!
Actions will take place by the Evros fence, in Sofia, in Ljubljana, Zagreb ...
Join the international action day!
October 31st, 2015
Bapska border crossing
For details contact the no border collective> noborderserbia (at) riseup.net
Papers for all
No deportations
No to detention camps
Against Fortress-Europe
Free movement for all
An injury to one is an injury to all!
Solidarity and direct actions on the borders!