Open the borders! Migrate to live non die! (vom 08.12.2015),
URL: http://no-racism.net/article/5000/,
besucht am 25.03.2025
[08. Dec 2015]
The Migrants Day of Global Action on December 18th, 2015, will contribute to give more visibility to all initiatives taking place on that day throughout the world, demonstrating against racism and promoting human and civil rights for migrants, refugees, and displaced people.
"Open the borders" is the plea yelled by men, women, and children who are standing in Idomeine, at the border between Greece and Macedonia, who are currently on a hunger-strike. Their protest represents what many other thousands of people are demanding, as they are stopped in their migration along the borders of all four corners of the world.
"Open the borders" is the scream coming from the current genocide, whose victims are the many thousands of people who unfortunately could not make it to their destination. It is also what these victims' families are asking for their missing or dead loved ones, lost along their migration journey; because we know that if human beings were allowed to cross borders like it is allowed for goods, this humanity on the move would not be forced to entrust its fate to the mafia and to human traffickers.
Opening borders and welcoming those who flee war and misery searching for a better future is an answer to the terror and fear sown by terrorists' bombs. Instead, many Nations in the North of the planet, along with mass media, are feeding into this same terror and fear, transforming migrants and refugees into the enemy from which 'we' must protect ourselves, and then sealing and militarizing their borders even more.
Opening borders is an answer that could foster the creation of true solidarity between those who were born in a particular land and those who arrived there from elsewhere; solidarity based on the affirmation of a society in which there are rights for all men and all women.
The final assembly of the 2010 World Social Forum on Migration, in Ecuador, called for a Global Day of Action; with this in mind, the Global Day of Action on December 18th, 2015, will contribute to give more visibility to all initiatives taking place on that day throughout the world, demonstrating against racism and promoting human and civil rights for migrants, refugees, and displaced people.
Because asserting their rights means asserting the rights of all men and women!
A global day of action for the rights of migrants, refugees, and the displaced, is possible: on December 18th, 2015!
More than ever, it is necessary to have a day of world-wide mobilization to affirm the dignity and the rights of migrants, refugees, and displaced people! The war against migrant people is becoming more and more bloody. The number of victims along national borders is ever-rising, as are border militarization and violence by the nations in the world's north. Racist and xenophobic movements are taking hold inside institutional and political bodies, as well as within society at large. At the same time, however, whole sectors of society are rejecting the order imposed by the State, and instead support migrants in their quest to overtake national borders. Indeed, there are thousands of organizations and volunteers working to offer assistance and hospitality to migrants and refugees.
Source :: globalmigrantsaction.org.