
Riots and Police Violence at Idomeni Refugee Camp (vom 22.05.2016),
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[22. May 2016]

Riots and Police Violence at Idomeni Refugee Camp

Violence erupted again on Wednesday, 18th of May 2016, at Idomeni, the sprawling tent city that has been created on Greece's northern border with the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM).

Incidents began at 8:30 p.m. when about a hundred migrants ran towards the police block, pushing a wagon or train cart to break through to the other side. The riot squad was quick to respond, firing extreme amounts of tear gas at the crowds. Soon, a massive brawl broke out as a number of migrants threw stones and objects at the police, setting at least four tents on fire.

Many people were affected by the police use of tear gas, including pregnant women and children. The medical tent was inundated by those suffering from the physical effects of the gases. A police source told Greek Reporter that at least three Greek police members were injured. The number of injured refugees remains unknown.

One volunteer working in the area told the Greek Reporter that the incident is the most serious case of police use of chemicals seen in the region until now. Most people left the camp, heading for safety in the nearby fields.
Idomeni camp is home to about 11,000 people thwarted from reaching more prosperous EU regions due to the closure of the Greek border with FYROM. Clashes in the pressure cooker environment are a regular occurence.

Videos of the Riots @ YouTube
:: GreekReporter
:: BBC World News
:: Anonymous
:: Helpeshelp
:: euronews (de)

Prior clashes between refugees and police in Idoemni:
Since Macedonia closed the border to Greece for Refugees, the blocked people are protesting and demand a free passage. Many times the police answered with violence. Here some videos about prior clashes:
:: Drone footage: Idomeni refugees clash with police (02. Dec 2015)
:: Greece: Police clash with refugees as they clear Idomeni train tracks (Ruptly TV, 05. May 2016)
:: Refugees attempt to dismantle fence at Greek Idomeni camp, get teargassed (Ruptly TV, 10. Apr 2016)
:: Riot police vs Idomeni refugees: Violent clashes hit camp (Ruptly TV, 29. Mar 2016)
:: Police clash with Idomeni refugees as protests continue (Ruptly TV, 29. Mar 2016)
de :: In Idomeni kippt die Stimmung: Flüchtlinge stürmen Grenze – Polizei reagiert mit Tränengasgeschossen (RT Deutsch, 29. Feb 2016)
de :: In Idomeni kippt die Stimmung: Flüchtlinge stürmen Grenze - Polizei reagiert mit Tränengasgeschossen (RT Deutsch, 29. Feb 2016)
de :: FLÜCHTLINGE stürmen GRENZE / unkommentiert, ungeschnitten (29. Feb 2016)

:: Stuck in Idomeni: Refugees fear moving to Albania (Al Jazeera English, 22. May 2016)
de :: Idomeni: Verzweiflung und Hoffnung (Medienprojekt Wuppertal, 19. May 2016)
it :: Confini d'Europa - La parabola di Idomeni (MeltingPot Europa, 18. May 2016)
:: Refugees in Idomeni (Ruptly, 17. May 2016)
:: Idomeni (Paco Guzmán, 17. May 2016)
:: The harsh life of refugees in Idomeni (DW News, 10. Mar 2016)

Background Information
:: Live Ticker Eidomeni @
:: Reports by
:: Idomeni: resisting and hoping at the borders of "Fortress Europe" (, 28. Apr 2016)
:: Disperazione e rabbia a Idomeni (, 19. May 2016)

Article publised first on 18. May 2016 by ::