Letter from a Prisoner in Landesgericht Wien (vom 20.07.2000),
URL: http://no-racism.net/article/518/,
besucht am 12.03.2025
[20. Jul 2000]
Brief zur Situation für AfrikanerInnen im Landesgericht Wien und zur rassistischen Politik, die zu J.s Inhaftierung Ende Mai 99 in Graz führte.
to whom it may concern
Dear Sir/Madam
I am J., a citizen of Liberia in west africa. I want to use this opportunity to express my feelings and realize a terrible wrongs the Austrian police have done to me and other blacks here in Austria.
First of all, I will use the opportunity to thank you for all your concern towards me and other blacks, I try to think of how to thank and eypress my inner most feeling to you, but could not find the right way or words to put it to you.
But every which way, I want you to know that I do apriciate all the kindness towards me, and I want you to know that I can and will never forget this the rest of my life. To start my story, I have learned a lot since I was in this prison. Austria is a nation whose radical wrongs are sanctioned by unjust laws, and blacks are singled out as prime victims and forced to accept a system designed to victimise us by racism.
Now look at things that is happening in Austria with this death of Omofuma R.I.P. who is now deased being deported with the mouth, nose, eyes, hand and legs bind togehter. For his death some civil right figthers organise a peaceful demonstration which blacks and whites participated.
The irony of the sordid history of Omofuma is that it happened in a country that exponsed the principal of democracy. Furthermore, I can remember on 27 th of may 1999, after the peaceful demonstration, I was sleeping in my house in Graz when the police break my door and start beating me, insulting me, abusing me of drug dealing, even they put their fingers into my ass which course a big problem with the toilet system now.
They did it to a lot of blacks the same day, despite all this tragic events, they draw a monkey and start making fun of me that monkey is my brother- they call me "Nigger" that I have no chance in Austria as a black.
Anyway, we can never forget that everything Hitler did in Germany was "legal" and everything the hungarian freedom fighter did in Hungary was "illegal", it was "illegal" to aid and comfort a jew in Hitler Germany. There will come a time when the cup of endirance runs over and men are no long willing to be plunged into an abbys of injustive where the experience the blackness of corroding desper.
"There is no greater power on earth than an idea whose time has come." Opressed people cannot remain oppressed forever. The urge for freedom must eventually come. The police or Operation Spring as they saids took me from Graz to Vienna prison and accused me of a member of criminal organisation which such a thing never existed among any of us. They attempted to intimidiate the black and toment our image by publishing a report in the daily papers that blacks are drug dealers.
All these things was because of the demonstration of "Marcus Omofuma" death and politics, even police told me in Graz, that they want to punish blacks because we blacks want to toment their image in the whole world with "Omofuma" issue.
Now my question is, why do Austrian police treat blacks so mean? Are we going forward or backward? When you have seen hate-filled policemen curse kick, brutalise and even kill my brothers and sisters with impanity. If you can see the last majority of hundreds black brothers smothering in an airtight cage of prison in the midst of an affluent society. Even its unjust treatment of blacks in the court is a notorious reality. Are we no created by the same "god"? Whenever I remember my constitution inside this place as the only child in the family but now existing in another world created by human being I always ask myself: what did we blacks did so special to Austrian police?
Anyway, there`s nothing I can do, only "god" know why he make it like that, even when I come to Vienna and find it neccessary to eat or drink something in china restaurant, it was because no Austrian restaurant will accept me as a black. The police will take me pictures and after they will use it against me as a drug dealer and they did it to a lot of blacks. Living under these condition, many blacks come to the point of loosing faith in themselves because nobody can stand for them.
They come to feel that perhaps there were less than human. After some months on my awaiting trial for taking part in demonstration but the police changed it to criminal organisation. They invited me to be a false witness against other blacks, even they invited some fools and they will continue being fools for the rest of their life, who co-operated with police to frame some things "naked lie" against other blacks.
The police promise me that if I conspire with them that I should regain my freedom without trial, but I denied their promise and stand on the truth. I told them that such a thing was against my religion as a christian to lie against anybody black or white. They told me that I cannot co-operate, I will stay in prison. I had hoped that the Austrian police would understand that law and order exist for the purpose of extablishing justice, and theat when they fail to do this, they become dangerously structured dem that black the flo... of social progress.
Meanwhile police told me that judges, prosecutors, lawyers and other external bodies are from Austria, that anything that present as my charges can be used against me. On 9 th of March 2000, after nine month and some weeks awaiting traid, but we must know with the distinguished jurist of yesterday, that "justice too long delayed is justice denied." Well, I went to court and my judge passed five years sentence to me as the police said early. I asked him why and he only told me that their police know their work and doesn`t lie and also he belive since am a black man that I must be a drug dealer that he don`t need any prove.
I asked him again wheter he is judging me with my colour or character but the question was on the air till today.
Anyway, I told the court that I reject their decision because the denial my right but nor only that- but which is even worse I am mentally torured, it degrades me as a human being. Whenever racial discrimination exists it is a tragic expression of men`s spiritual degeneracy and moral bankruptcy. I told them that I am appealing at the high court because of their racial injustive even my lawyer supported me by then, but now I don`t really know the outcome of that appeal. My lawyer wanted to drop my case no because I was financially handicapted, even to send me the appeal papers is not possible for him. Now I realize that somebody has to do something about racial discrimination in this country for black constitutional rights before it will be too late.
I am pleading, we are not to be taken for granted o... should stay the moral conscience be forgotten that we are human beings too. I know through painful experience that freedom is never voluntarily given by oppressor, it must be demanded by the oppressed. For months now I have heard the word "wait" its rings in the ear of every black with the piercing familiarity. This "wait" has almost always ment "never" it has been a tranquilizing thalidomide, reneving the emotional stress for a moment, only to give birth to an ill formed infant of frustration.
Jesus Christ of Nazareth has teach us simple christian love, to remaid the world that racsm is a subversion of it s democratic and religious values. If there was one and the police should stiop treating blacks whom are trying to survive in a society where they are unwanted.
But tide of history seemed to be against such teaching. Racism is an international phenomen. For many years before Jesus` birth. And up till now blacks in Austria are forced to accept patiently injustice, insult, injury and expletation and many of us has been indicted, mugged and arrested to face jail for no just course. Although law is an important factor in bringing abo.... social changes. But the Austiran law is forgeting the human relations involved. I still ask my question Are we going forward or backward?
Now blacks in Austria are killed and tortured everyday to get Austria economy in order. Are we the course of political changes or economic mismanaging depression? To segregate a child because of his race is to deny him equal protection of the law.
Let us concider some of the callenges of this new age. First, we are challenged to rise above the narrow confi.... of our individualistic concerns to the broader conern... of all humanity. The new world is a world of geographical togetherness "This means no individual or nation can live alone". "Let judgement run down like water and righousness like a mighty stream". "All men are created equal and are endowed by the creator with the certain individual rights and that among these are life liberty and the pursuits of happiness"
Now is the time to make real the promise of democracy and transform on pending national elergy into a creative psalm of brotherhood. Now it is time to lift the Austrian police from the quicksand of racial injustice to the solid rock of human dignity. And I believe that it`s essential to defend right of equality by adopting the philosophy of human right but fortunatly there`s no help from human rights organisations here to help re-examine the assumption of injustice taken by blacks out here in Austria.
Though I am thankful however that your body "Gemmi" for the concern you have towards me and other blacks here. You are still all to small in quantity but you are big in quality. Congratulations. I know some angry policemen will see you a "dirty nigger lovers". No problem. I had hoped that each of you would understand that what you did was right and legal. As I said before, everything Hitler did in Germany was "legal" and everything the hungarian freedom fighters did was "illegal", to aid and comfort a jew in Hitler Germany. I am very happy, that each of you would understand me and show the live and concerns towards me and other blacks.
There is where the greek word "Agape" -love comes in. "Agape", Love is understanding, creative, redemptive good minds of men, it is an overflowing love which seeks nothing in return. And when you love, to love on this level you begin to love men not because they are likeable, not because "god" loves them. There are several other agencies and groups that have a significant roles to play in this issue, the problem of racial injustice is so weighty in detail and broad in extent that it requires the concerted efforts of numerious individuals and institutions to bring about a solution.
Facing our struggle, despite these tragic events we`re still searching for hope that the blacks freedom of movement and right will come and and maintain it`s feeble grip, but with the help of the human rights organisations, UNO, amnesty international and the rest of the world coming into civil rights division of the department of justice in Austria. We must come to know or see that human progress never rolls in on the wheels of inevitability. It comes through the tireless efforts and persistant work of men willing to be co-workers wiht "god" and without this ...never work time itself becomes on ally of the forces of social stagnation. We must use time creativly and forever realize that the time is always ripe to do the right.
Anyway, this is not the threat. It is a fact of history. But the Austiran police are forgetting that those of us here who been exploited and trampled over, those of us here who had to stand amid the tragic midnight of Austria and indiginities will enter in our minds with hate and bitterness when come up on Austria anywhere in the world. Well, I really stay black and I don`t hate anybody but what I know is that I can and will never cahnge my colour because of Austrian police. "impossible". Yes, my body is really tired, but my soul is strong because I know that my redeemer lveth, he cannot and will never leave me alone, that is all I know because he told his disciples to expect trouble "In the world you shall have tribulation" "But be of good cheer" that his message "Be of good cheer. I have overcaome the world"
I would rather suffer in dignity than exept segregation in humitation. I proudly reclaim that three-fourth of the people of the world are colored, we have the priviledge of noticing in our generation the great drama of freedom and civil rights. Fifty years or even twenty five years ago, we could turn our eyes to Africa and notice two hundred million men and women under the pressing yake of British, the Dutch and the France. For years all these people were dominated politically, exploited economically, segregated and humiliated. Then with a ne... sence of dignity and destiny in America came that desicion of may 17 , 1954, that the legal and sociological deak blowthe evit life fpr several decades, that to segregate a child because of his race is to deny him equal protection of the law.
I had hoped that the Austrian police would understand that the present tension of the blacks in Austria is merely a necessary phrase of the transition from the obnoxious negative peace, where the blacks passivly accepted his unjust plight, to a substance- filled positive peace where all men will respect the dignity and worth of human personality. The racial issue that I confronted today in Austria is not a sectional but a national problem., If you will observe the police or warder, as they did to us here, refuse to give us work and good food because we are black. They kept us in prison and feed us like animal, even animals cannot withstand our present situation. If we ask for work inside prison, the only answer was: no chance for "Nigger" or no chance for drug dealer. "Keine Chance für Nigger".
I am sorry, that I cannot express all my feelings now, because it hurts me more whenever I remember my conditions. Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. Therfore. Nobody can afford to be apathetic about problem of racisal justice. It is a problem that means everybody at htis front door.
The great challenge facing Austria today is to solve this possing problem and bring full realization the ideals and dreams of their democracy. Believe me, how they deal with this crucial situation will determine their political health as a nation and their prestige as a member of european union because we ...
blacks are created by the same god, so we cannot be use to practise or do politics because it is morally wrong- therefore it must be removed not merely because it is diplomatically expedient, but because it is morally compelling.
There is need for a strong action on this racial issue that is going on here in Austria. There is need for the type of liberal who not only rise up with rightous indignation when a black is lynched in Austria, but will be equal incensed when a black is denied the right to live in Austria as a human being.
And to those of us, who are struggeling for justice, I want you to know, that we do not struggle alone, but "god" struggle with us, because he said in all our ways, we should acknowledge him and he shall direct us good parts of life. So we have to join hand together to fight against evil system of gouvernment.
"God" grant that as men and women all over the world struggles against evil system of gouvernments, they willl truggle with love in thier hearts, will understanding good will. So civil rights in an eternal moral issue which may well determine the destiny of our civilisation in the ideological struggle with communism, we must keep moving with wise restraint and love with pro... discipline and dignity.
And the will me able to move from the bleak and desolated midnbight men`s inhumanity to man the brigt and glitterng jaybreak of freedeom and justice. Let us all hope, that the dark clouds of racuial prejudice will soon pass away and the deep fog of misunderstanding will ne lifted from our fear-drenched communities and some not too distant tomorrow the radiant stars of love and brotherhood will shine over our great world or nation with all of their scintillation beauty.
There is something in this universe that justifies.
James Russell Lowell in saying, truth forever on the scafford wrong forever on the throne yet that scaffola sways the future and behind the dim unknown stands "god" will the shaddows keeping watch above his own.
This is what I will say, the struggle here in Austria is not much in tension between whites and blacks, the struggle is rather between justice and injustice. And if there is a victory it will not be a victory for the blacks alone, but a victory for justice, a victory for democracy and to ultimately change of humans with the philosophy of love for all, black and white.
It is my great hope, that as the blacks and whites in Austria plunges deeper into the guest for freedom, we will plunge deeper into the philosophy of ninviolence. Our aim must be not to defeat or humiliate the Austrian police but to win friendship and understanding. However nonviolent direct actions has emerged as the better and more sucessfull way out. It does not require that the aboundon their dicontent. This discontent is a sound healthy social response to the injustice and brutalisty we see around us.
Nonviolence offers a method by which we can fight the evil with which we cannot live. It offers a unique weapon which without firing a single bullet, disarms the adversary. It expouses his moral defences, weakens his moral and at the same time works on his conscience. I fell that nonviolence it vital beacuse it is the only way to establish the broken friendship.
Dear, Sir/Madam, please I want your body to take action on this issue and publish my article or if it is possible to send it to other civil right agencies and groups, even internets to hear my cra and other blacks here. I have been in this prison for fourteen month with pains day and night for nothing only because of politics. My health keeps deterocrating everyday and I am afraid of being incancerated. Please overlook my mistakes and dont mind my handwriting.
I would ne greatful if my articel is being granted and published in some magazines
Thanks Regards J.