
Enterprises involved in construction and enlargement of the SIS (vom 31.12.2001),
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[31. Dec 2001]

Enterprises involved in construction and enlargement of the SIS

The following article is from october 2000. It shows the involvement of enterprises like Atos, IBM and CSC in construction and enlargement of the Schengen Information System (SIS).

In July 1998, Atos, Computer Sciences Corporation (CSC) and IBM were chosen by the French Ministry of the Interior, the contracting authority for the Schengen States, torenovate the Schengen Information System. The first section of the new system came on stream on November 17 1999, and work is now underway to extend connections to new countries that have signed the Schengen Agreement.

The Schengen Information System (SIS) comprises both national systems (N.SIS) and a central system (C.SIS) located in Strasbourg. The central system, which has been operational since early 1995, consolidates data from the national systems and transmits police bulletins received from one system to all the others. On July 1, 1998, the French Ministry of the Interior, as contracting authority for all Schengen States, chose Atos to renovate and extend the central system, which had to be replaced by 2000. The first section of the renovated system was brought on stream on November 17 1999, and work is now underway to extend the system to the new Schengen Countries during 2000. The Nordic countries, for example, could be fully integrated into the SIS as of November 27 2000.

As prime contractor, Atos is in charge of designing and managing the project in partnership with IBM and CSC. The principal challenges of the project, which involves more than 30 person-years, are to ensure reliability, security and inter-operability. The strong fit between the three partners" areas of expertise, their extensive experience in implementing national Schengen systems, and the quality of their partnership represent major strengths that have contributed to the project"s success.

About Atos

Atos, a leading European e-services provider, is dedicated to helping companies grow and develop faster through a better use of technology. With fiscal 1999 sales of EUR 1 083 million, of which 33% was derived outside France, and a staff of 11 000 employees working in 11 European countries, Atos is focussed on providing companies strong expertise in electronic commerce, customer relationship management and supply chain management

The Atos Systems Integration Division combines technological skills and in-depth understanding of its clients" businesses. The signing of the Schengen contract has confirmed the Group"s position as a European and international project integrator, especially in the area of networked systems. By leveraging its more than ten years of acquired expertise and specific skills in Internet/intranet technologies, messaging services, directories, system security and middleware, Atos is able to deliver products and solutions that comply with the leading market standards.

About Computer Sciences Corporation

Computer Sciences Corporation feels this new contract demonstrates further trust in its skills and high professional standards. CSC helps clients in industry and government use management and technology solutions to improve performance and leverage opportunities offered by the new economy. The contract was carried out by CSC"s France Belux region, which includes CSC Peat Marwick (France"s second largest management and IT consultant) and CSC Belux (Belgium/Luxembourg). CSC has long been active in the Schengen Information System network, having developed the Belgian national system, directed compatibility testing of the national and central systems, and helped start up the national system. CSC"s experience with different aspects of the Schengen environment has provided the consortium with critical added value. CSC has led many successful missions to improve the performance of organizations in charge of public safety. With almost 70,000 employees in more than 800 offices worldwide, CSC reported revenues of $9.4 billion for the year ended March 31, 2000. The France Belux region, which has 2,200 employees, reported sales of FRF 2.2 billion.

About IBM

IBM is supplying the new hardware and software architecture, and providing installation and support services. The company is solely focused on information technologies, a field in which it is the world leader. IBM develops, produces and markets hardware, software and services. Its hardware products range from small PCs to extremely powerful systems, as well as products for networks, storage systems, and printing. IBM is also the world"s leading producer of software, which ranges from operating systems to Lotus Domino intranet and application server software and the Tivoli network management suite. Services are an increasingly important part of the company"s business, and include consulting, outsourcing, systems integration, and computer engineering. Today they have been combined into IBM Global Services, the world"s largest IT services provider. With nearly 307,400 employees worldwide, IBM reported 1999 sales of $87.5 billion.