Chain of camps and actions against the borderregimes (vom 06.07.2000),
URL: http://no-racism.net/article/637/,
besucht am 31.03.2025
[06. Jul 2000]
I will try to give a summary of the different topics at the no border-meeting in Poznan in the next days. But I want to start today with the most urgent issue: the planned chain of actions and camps against the borderregimes. So we hope, that at least the later activists can use a lot of informations, ideas and experiences from the actions before. And at the end we should have a much more better base of discussion, both in contents and in actions, which can be used in further campaigns. All groups and activists are requested to contribute to this practical networking!!
I will try to give a summary of the different topics at the no border-meeting in Poznan in the next days. But I want to start today with the most urgent issue: the planned chain of actions and camps against the borderregimes.
Next week, from the 13th until the 19th of July, the first camp will start in Poland, in the triangle to Ukraine and Slovakia. About 100 people are expected, particularly activists from Ukraine, Russia, Belarus, Slovakia and Bulgaria will take part and a deeper east-west-european exchange and working together should be one of the important results. Ten days later (29th of July) the camp in Forst near Cottbus at the german-polish border will begin, also for one week actions and discussions are prepared. Some hundred people are expected, also a bigger number of refugees want to take part. The friends from Napoli (officine) have announced (some weeks ago) to carry out a meeting/happening in Puglia in August, but nobody came to Poznan and we have not got further informations. Urgent question to Napoli: What is planned? Friends from Madrid have participated at Poznan-meeting and they would like to do something in the south of Spain also in August, but it is not yet clear, what kind of action is possible to realize. The same friends are in a good contact with groups in Mexico, where in the beginning of September (1st til 3rd) another borderhappening will be prepared. Musicians and artists are involved, the program with films and music will take place directly at the fence to USA.
From 13th of July until the beginning of September we can expect a chain of actions and all other groups are requested to think for own activities against the borderregimes in this period. We have heard that in England some groups will prepare something in Dover, and also in countries without an outerborder it would be easy to find adequate targets. In Poznan we have decided to interconnect the various actions on different levels: - Exchange of participants to create a direct, personal link from one camp to the next action. In Poland we will show a film about the situation at the Mexican-US-border, and some friends, who will take part in Poland will go to the german camp later. At the german camp guests from Mexico are expected and it should be possible to find activists from Germany to go to Italy and Spain. In the same way we should connect next activities in England and Mexico. - Workshops about europeanwide and international borderregimes in each camp, including a presentation of the various counteractivities. A film-team from Munich will come to Poland and Germany and perhaps we can produce film sequences of each action/camp and present it in the next station. - A common webside was already announced in the mailing list by Alain and is in work. It should include reports about different aspects of the borderregimes: technical rearmament, hunting of refugees and migrants at the landborderlines, the massgrave mediterranean sea, denouncation atmosphere in the borderegions, shifting the seal off to the easteuropean countries, economic consequences (suit-case economy), migration and labour-market (selective control)...
So we hope, that at least the later activists can use a lot of informations, ideas and experiences from the actions before. And at the end we should have a much more better base of discussion, both in contents and in actions, which can be used in further campaigns. All groups and activists are requested to contribute to this practical networking!!
Best greetings, h.
AG3F - Antirassistische Gruppe für Freies Fluten
Metzgerstrasse 8, D-63450 Hanau, Germany
phone & fax 0049-(0)6181-184892
email AG3F (at) oln.comlink.apc.org
text from AG3F - Antirassistische Gruppe für Freies Fluten