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[10. Jul 1999]


Prisons for remand pending deportation are detention centers, where asylumseekers and migrants are arrested up to 6 months. In 1998 remand pending deportation was put on 15.092 human beeings. There is no criminal fact as reason for this. Human beeings are imprisoned without any court and taken all there rights. The reason for this: to implement deportation routinely and without problems.

Many prisoners under remand pending deportation feel themself traeted as "criminals". In many cases they are not informed about the reason and duration of the remand pending deportation in a language they understand. Appeals against the custody, for example have to be made in german, there is no or very few legal care. Because of the hopelessness of this situation suicide attempts, self-mutilations and hunger strikes are in many cases the only change to get out of remand pending deportation or to make visible the explosive force of their own situation. Especially in the acute threat of deportation hunger strike
is the only way to question the fitness to be kept imprisioned. The machinery of deportation - in contrary of many declarations - does not stop in front of children and minors. Following official statements, in 1998 773 minors were kept in remand pending deportation. This is beeing justified to hinder the affected persons to elude themselves from the deportation proceedings. After the law, remand pending deportation is put on human beeings when their deportation is in preperation, when they are banned from staying in Austria and when their deportation shell be granteed. In other words all those are affected who are selected by a racist state to be deported.


Many of those who refuse to be stopped by the military observation of the Schengenborder are detained and arrested in the hinterland. Expending police controls in the inner new borders on unexpectable locations are built up. The border is everywhere - in remand pending deportation it is most visible.
For human beeing without Austrian papers, people who do not fullfill the construct of a "real austrian" remand pending deportation is a permanent threat. Because of laws and the racistic consensus of the Austrian majority, migrants are forced for exemple to live in unhuman and extremely exploiting working- and housing conditions and to stay in them. The loss of a job can lead to remand pending deportation. Often a legal status of stay for women, is only in case of the principle of allowing families to be united and the "protection of marriage", which puts them in total addiction of a man. When the woman devorces it can lead to remand pending deportaion and deportation. For this addiction, exploitation and rapes in marriage are extremely enforced.


The movement of the "Sans papiers" in France coined this sentence. They wanted to put attention on the fact that especially the european politics and other economic superpowers force reasons for migration. Damm projects like those in Kurdistan, where many villages are underwatered und countless people were displaced by force are only single examples for how Austrian companies profit on the expulsion of human beeings Few people only refuge further than to neighboured regions. The expulsation of human beeings is accepted because of economical interests of European Union. When these human beeings come to Schengenland they meet militarily guarded borders, where put in remand pending deportation and deported. "Obvious groundless" is a beloved rejection reason of the asylumauthorities to deny asylum. Many of specific femal flight-reasons, like rape, are not accepted as such. Even when rape is used as purposeful weapon in wars. Often women are purposely prosecuted by statutory institutions to put pressure on political dissidents. As normally argued in rejections of asylum procedures, rapes are not set against women as persons but against their husbands and fathers.

Meanwhile the serb police executed "ethnical cleanings" and the NATO bomed Yugoslavia for "humanitarian reasons", the countries of the European Union, including Austria refused deserters. More than 20.000 are actually prosecuted by Yugoslavian judges for their desertion.But even for human beeings who do not refuge because of prosecution, it must be possible to settle down here. It must be the right of every human beeing to find a place to live, without being hindered in this by reglementating institutions such as the state. Who stipulates in which amount, on which reasons and under which conditions human beeings are allowed to live here.


Every illegalized human beeing in Austria has to count permanently to be put under remand pending deportation. But even "legally" living human beeings here are permanently confronted by this: repeated false-parking, illegalized labouring or infringing the obligation to register can be reasons to be put in remand pending deportation and be deported. One third of the around 20.000 measures to cut the stay in 1996 was implemented because of missing maintenance resources. Every fourth ban of stay is well-founded by "threatening the public silence, security and order". If there is the assumption that the affected person does not leave voluntarely, she/he will be imprisoned. The consensus on deportetion in the Austrian majority population treats
"illegal" equivalent as "criminal". Mass media and declarations of polititians reproduce this connection very often and at least since the "Operation Spring" this racistic concensus is definitely introduced. In January 2000 the refugee-camp in Traiskirchen was searched up by 130 police officials. The brutal behavior was justified be the statement, "we can"t touch presumed criminals with velvet gloves". Another police action against refugees and migrants or helpful institutions was the attacking of a advice center for foreigners (Flughafensozialdienst) of the green party in vienna an March, 8th. Justified was this attack by an anonymous call, which was if it really existed, false alarm. Nevertheless 8 human beeings without papers were detained. Four of
them had been still arrested in the end of March. The ruling opinion declares detainees in remand pending depotation as "criminals", like as drug dealers stigmatized blacks. Altough remand pending deportaion is, as the law declaires, no punishment. A administrative offence as avoiding border controlls can lead up to six months imprisonment. Human beeings cought while crossing the border clandestine are often put directly in remand pending deportation,
without having a chance to demand asylum. "Real austrians", following "their" government and "their" media, shall be save in "their" state. Cheers to "their" inner security! With denunciation and actively joining the racistic daily live in this country everybody turns into a perpetrator. Constructs as "the Nigerian Drug Dealer Ring" or "the Russian Mafia" are sold populisticly and eaten by the "real austrians" with greed.


The case of Marcus Omufuma has shown that murder lies in the structure and practice of state. It is not to be discussed if the death of Marcus is murder seen under ruling legal categories, because murder is a political category. By laws and executed practice murder is allways accepted. In the last years thousands of human beeings died in the try to overcome the walls of Fortress Europe. United, an European antiracistic network from Holland documents 1622 deaths caused by the european seperation-politics in the time between 1993 and 1999. In the night between 10th and 11th of March 2000 4 human beengs drowned within the try to cross the Danube-river to come to Austria. Responsible for this are people as Schloegl (social democrat), who in
his function as a minister of the interior created the legal frame for this. Or the new minister of the interior Ernst Strasser who tightens migration-
and repression politics. Responsible are also all the people who agree in the ruling practics of remand pending deportation and deportations.
Murder is also within the structure when laws are "improved" and conditions are "humanized". Especially in remand pending deportation this is shown drastically. Through social care in prison, not only the improvement of the situation of the prisoners, but more than this, lightening of the deportation offices are foreseen. Contracts between the ministry of interior and NGOs who care about remand pending deportations show that so called "preventive measures" shall minimize conflict potentials. Every resistance is killed in it"s beginning. For this the cases of hunger strike have been obviousely reduced. The voices get a few who demand radical changes of the ruling racistic order. The demand of abolishing remand pending deportation seems
to be incombatible with daily social work. But not demanded, the whole system of remand pending deportation and deportation is legalized and confirms the ruling politics. Then it will be tortured and murdered in another way.

All human beeings staying here shall have equal political and social rights, not depending on their origin, color of skin, religion, social status and sex. Discriminating instruments as remand pending deportation and deportation, racist laws and practics can"t be improved, only prevented and abolished. They cause that human beeings are seperated and others profit on this. Racism is reason for their existance. To make deportations impossible and support migrants actively is part of the struggle against institutionalized racism and part of practical solidarity with prosecuted human beeings.

Freedom for the prisoners
Make remand pending deportaion impossible
Fight against racism and seperation
Against the ruling order
We call to support refugees and migrants on their travel