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Instant release of all individuals that were arrested during the demonstrations against the G-8 meeting in Genua!send it quick back: - thanks



"The gate opened constantly, the people got out of the trucks and were
beaten up. They had to stand against the wall. Inside, they smashed
their heads against the wall. They pied on some of them. A young woman
threw up blood while the chef of the GOM (special unit of the
department for domestic affairs) watched. They threatened the woman
with raping her with their clubs."
Italian police officer in an interview with "La Republica"

The violent actions of the police during the G-8 meeting in Genua show
that the large protest movements against the politics of the leading
industrial nations are in this case being stopped and hindered by
violence on the street and torture of arrested individuals if

We demand the instant release of the continuously arrested
individuals. We demand the annihilation of the personal information,
fingerprints, and pictures of all illegally arrested individuals. We
furthermore demand a public investigation of the police violence
through an independent, international committee.

There are still 48 people under detention in several prisons in Genoa.

The arrested and abused from Genoa need our solidarity. We ask all
democratic organizations, initiatives and individuals, to express
their solidarity with the victims of police brutality and to work
towards a fast release of the continuously arrested people.

The support of the arrested costs money. We need your donations
especially for lawyers and personal support in Genua. This is the

Ruff e.V., Kto-Nr: 1813040318, BLZ 100 500 00, Berliner Sparkasse,
Stichwort: Genua 2001

Supporter so far:

Afrika Süd AktionsBündnis, Bonn; Anarchist Black Cross Luxembourg;
Andreas Köhn, ver.di Berlin-Brandenburg; Antifa Hohenschönhausen;
Antifa Fried-Lich; Antifaschistische Aktion Lüneburg/ Uelzen;
Antifaschistische Gruppe Bensheim Contra; Antifaschistische Initiative
Moabit; Antifaschistisches Aktionsbündnis III, Berlin; Antifa
Suhl-Zella-Mehlis; Antifa Weißensee; Antirepressionsgruppe 10.10.99;
Arnold Rekittke, Berlin; Asociacion Apoyo, Madrid; Astrid Keller,
Stadträtin (Linkes Bündnis), Dortmund; Autonome Antifa Burg; Autonome
Antifa [NO] Berlin; Autonome Antifaschisten Malchin; Autonome
Erwerbslosengruppe, Berlin; Berliner Kampagne gegen Wehrpflicht,
Zwangsdienste und Militär; Buchladen Le Sabot, Bonn; Büro für mentale
Randale, Ruhrgebiet; Carsten Hübner, MdB/PDS; Catherine Gregori,
stellv. Bezirksvorsitzende Jusos Bezirk Westliches Westfalen; CNT
international sec. Paris; Daniel Kreutz, Köln; eberswalder infosystem;
EU For The People, Schwelm; FAU/Österreich; Federation Anarchiste,
Luxembourg; Florian Koch, Wien-Innsbruck; Frank Laubenburg, Mitglied
des Rates der Stadt Düsseldorf/PDS; Freke Over, MdA/PDS;
Gefangeneninitiative e.V., Dortmund; Gruppe FelS; Gruppe gemeinsam
sind wir stark; Gruppe Genova Libero; Grünalternative Jugend Tirol;
GRAS - Grüne & Alternative StudentInnen, Austria; Indymedia Schweiz;
Infoladen Grauzone, Innsbruck; Infoladen Schréibs, Esch/Alzette;
Initiative "BürgerInnen beobachten den BGS", Dortmund; Internationale
Jugend; Jörg Fischer, Journalist; Jugendantifa Neuruppin;
JungdemokratInnen/Junge Linke NRW; Junge Linke Wesel; Kahina e.V.,
Leipzig; KPÖ-Linz;; Mag.a Elisabeth Sötz, Innsbruck;
Markus Fellner, Vogach; Maureen Horowitz, Reclaiming-Earth-Activists,
USA; Nord-Süd-Koordination Basel (Anti-WTO-Schweiz); PDS-Dortmund; Pia
Paust-Lassen, Grüne-Berlin; Pressebüro Savanne, Schweiz; Projekt für
Toleranz und Demokratie, Magdeburg; Ralf Henze, Sprecher von
BasisGrüne e.V.; Redaktion der Blätter des Informationszentrum 3.Welt,
Freiburg i.Br.; Revolutionäre Linke Zella-Mehlis; Rote Hilfe Berlin;
Rote Hilfe Göttingen; Sabine Juenger, MdB/PDS; Schwarze Katze Hemer;
SDAJ Bensheim; Sektion Basel der Partei der Arbeit der Schweiz;
Solidarity Network "Oscar A. Romero" in Europe, Group Denmark;
Solidaritätsgruppe Genua 2001; sozialistische
Initiative/sozialistische Liga, Berlin; Tamara Bunke-Verein für
internationale Jugendverständigung e.V.; Treptower Antifa Gruppe;
Unabhängige Antifa Aktiv, Essen; Ulla Jelpke, MdB/PDS; WIENER APPELL;
Dr. Winfried Wolf, MdB/PDS; Wissenschaftlich-humanitäres Komitee,
Regionalgruppe Ruhrgebiet; ZaMirNET, Croatia; Zeitschrift "Arranca"

Berlin den 03. August 2001


