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Aufruf zu Aktionen gegen den G8-Gipfel in Genua (Italien) 20.-22.7.2001 | |||||
Der folgende Text ist ein Aufruf zu einer internationalen Demonstration in Genua (Italien) gegen den G8-Gipfel vom 20.-22. Juli 2001 Ein neues Gespenst geht
um in Europa: das der heimlich Eingereisten, der Flüchtlinge, der
GrenzüberschreiterInnen. Es verkörpert die unsichtbare und rechtlose
Menschheit. Alle Mächte des alten Europa haben sich vereint, um es
zu jagen und zu verjagen, in einem Kreuzzug, das von Schengen koordiniert
und von den britischen Labours, die spanischen Konservativen, die italienischen
Demokraten und die deutschen Polizisten getragen wird. Schengen ist der
Ersatz einer europäischen Immigrationspolitik, ist ideen- und vorschlagslos,
es heißt Cordon sanitaire aus Polizei und Militär. Dass die
Probleme, die die Immigration aufwirft, tendenziell in Polizeifragen aufgelöst
werden, ist nicht nur europäisch, sondern eines der typischen Züge,
die die Globalisierung hervorgebracht hat. Das Niederreißen der
Hindernisse des Waren- und Kapitalverkehrs wird von der Vervielfach der
Grenzen begleitet, gegen Frauen und Männer auf der Flucht vor dem
Elend, dem Krieg und den sozialen und politischen Tyranneien: die "Außengrenzen"
verlaufen rings um die Europäische Union, zwischen den Vereinigten
Staaten und Mexiko, und als Damm gegen die Mobilität der Frauen und
Männer, die in die Mobilität ausbrechen, rund um Hong Kong,
um den Süden Chinas, um die Länder Südostasiens, die von
der 97er Krise heimgesucht wurden. Im Juli 2001 findet in Genua (Italien) das G8-Gipfeltreffen statt. Wir, ImmigrantInnen, antirassistische und antifaschistische Organisationen und Vereinigungen der Stadt, wenden uns mit diesem Aufruf an alle MigrantInnen in Europa, damit alle zusammenkommen in Genua, um sich zu treffen, zu demonstrieren, zu diskutieren und um neue Netze international aufzubauen. Das Beispiel von Seattle
sollte auch in Europa konkret ausprobiert werden, insbesondere gegen den
Rassismus, den gesellschaftlichen Ausschluss und die Marginalisierung,
gegen die neoliberalen Beschlüsse, die jedes Gipfeltreffen des G8
oder des IWF als Weg zu einer besseren Welt präsentieren. European meeting in Genoa, 4th - 5th May 2001 To We have signed the enclosed document, and in the past few months we have been negotiating with the local and national authorities in order to find areas and sites for the activities and events to be held on those days. We are willing to make
an international call for a strong mobilitation and a large participation.
The official language of the meeting will be English. Details on the already planned activities will follow ASAP together with all information about the meeting (schedule, time, venue, etc.). Please circulate this letter among all those who may be concerned. To join us, to make
suggestions, or to get information, please e-mail to info@genoa-g8.org
Genoa Sozial Forum - Our Aims The world in which we are preparing the G8 summit in Genova is one full of deep injustices. 20% of the world population - in countries with advanced capitalism - wastes 83% of the resourses of our planet; 11 million children die every year of malnutrition and 1.3 billions live on less than one dollar per day. This situation does not improve: it is worsening continuously. The international importance of this summit represents a challenge to all those organizations that for a long time have worked to affirm - with different methods and priorities- principles of social justice, solidarity, and just and sustainable development. The challenge must be met! We must contribute all together to publicise all the different projects which are involved in actions of international cooperation, enviromental protection, citizens' and workers' rights, promotion of ethical and solidaristic economic models, development of multiethnic communities, affirmation of principles of peace and fighting against injustices supported by the organizations of the civil society. The sum total of these experiences must be an element of growth for the society: it must be fully co-opted into an itinerary which, between today and July 2001, will develop initiatives of sensitization to, and denunciation of, this inacceptable situation. It is necessary to build a new way of thinking in order to respond to those dominant cultural models that - by means of a growing social disruption - enforce behaviour which hinder even the dream of a better society. But a different world is possible! This must be the sense of the challenge to pass on to the citizens. The international organizations, upon which the attention of a growing global movement is focussing, should be forced to take into account a population ever more attentive and determined to ask for democratic processes and new horizons of social and economical justice. Work Agreement For all these reasons, the signatory organizations commit themselves to a work agreement which plans to: 1. become fully active for the sensitization of the citizens tothe themes which represet the particular focus of every single association, respecting their autonomous ways and procedures. 2. ask the local and national public administrations for the assurance of wide spaces for everyone, for activities, projects and demonstrations that will be organized in these months and during the Summit. 3. Above all we demand that the right of demonstration not be subjected to groundless restrictions. 4. act in coordination in order to favour the smoothest flow of information and advance all the initiatives in the program. 5. respect all the forms of expression, of demonstration and of direct and non-violent actions declared in a public and transparent form. Through this document the signatory organizations launch an appeal to all interested organizations and networks and to those who are already working against the G8 Summit, to meet in a short time to better coordinate their energies and purposes, to begin a confrontation with the world of scientific research and politics, to pursue the above mentioned goals in the best possible way. |
Informationen zum Genoa Sozail Forum: |
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