
Caravan Diary: Thursday, June 28    <->

Arrival at Salzburg at 7.30pm, meeting with the people from the infopoint and preparation for the coming days. Tomorrow there is an indymedia.austria scheduled.

The journey itself was very easy, no blockades at all nor any police. Also inside Salzburg police seemed to be gone, not one policecar was spotted. So as far as the people travelling within Austria to Salzburg are concerned, there were no problems reported yet - even in our case: we had huge posters and banners on the busses and cars. Reports for people arriving in the next days and those who have to cross border should be available at IMC Austria or

Public Netbase, a Vienneise institute for new cultural tehcnologies invited the caravan to participate in the Project Remote Viewing, their contribution to the opening of the Museumsquartier Vienna, the most important cultural project in Austria's recent history. However, there has also been a lot of criticism involved, starting to the treatment of institutions opposed to Austria's rightwing government formed last year, to the monumentalism of the complex and the loss of quality and criticism of the featured projects. The caravan naturally supports this cricism and confronts the high society and the artworld gathering at the Museumsquartier at the grand openingparty with pictures from Gothenburg, Salzburg and the Caravan itself. Some of the contributed pictures can also be found here.

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