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Monday 10. September 2001
- Soliconcert, Hallein
kayo&phekt + texta + tontraegersoundsystem
zone 11, hallein  (20:00)   <back to top>

Sunday 9. September 2001
- Soliconcert
ya basta! + surfing talibaan + knallkopf + infoladen 10 + foodnotbombs
EKH, wien (21:00)   <back to top>

Saturday 8. September 2001
- On border no border
Solihappening, DJs, bigbaby, Radu Malfatti, Streich4, Savale Fanfare, NoBorderSoundsGalery and Hesseins Tor.
@ Kleylehof next to Halbturn / Albertkazmerpuszta, Burgenland   <back to top>
- Soliconcert, EKH
hogwash + canItrashcan!? + tres amigos del satan - rawk n'roll mit dj mad-cat
@ EKH, Wien (21:00)   <back to top>

- Asyl in Not Flüchtlingsfest
Smash deportationsPrisons! Soli for asyl in not with members of the PublixTheatreCaravan
16.00 curdish dancing group (Jarestan)
20.00 big hall - live: echophonic + gregory + mercalli sieberg + w.acid.bee&funkpasta + gg & the ganja bill
22.00 small hall: konsorten.tm dj team (fabrique records)
@ Arena, Vienna   <back to top>

Friday 7. September 2001
- Soliconcert, Linz
speed kills + hogwash + knallkopf, after-show-party at the druzba
@ ANN AND PAT, linz  (21:00)   <back to top>

Thursday 6. September 2001
- Solikonzert
Charizma Night Soli - fleischmann/efzeg/kurzmann (live); ATS 80,-
@ B72, Vienna   <back to top>
- Solikonzert, Linz
slide on sense + surfing talibaan + tres amigos del satan
anschließend wormsaloon in der druzba
@ ANN AND PAT, linz  (21:00)   <back to top>

Wednesday 5. September 2001
- Soliconcert, Steyr
popserver + cosma shiva + mugg
anschließend chill-lounge mit dj-set
@ röda, steyr, 20:00   <back to top>

- Soliconcert, Wels
Surfing Talibaan, (New PunkPopProject/Linz) Appendix (HC/Pettenbach) and DJ Telehacky and others...
@ Fred Sega musicpub, Vogelweiderstr. 1, 20:00   <back to top>

- Solikonzert, Linz
PLEDGE ALLIANCE (HC/Graz) / ENSENADA (Indie-core/Linz) / WEEDY BEEDIES (Surf/Linz), ATS 60,-
@ ANN AND PAT, linz (21:00)   <back to top>  

Tuesday 4. September 2001
- Soliconcert, Innsbruck
Soliconcert with SURFING TALIBAN (punks from Linz) und CANITRASHCAN (metal HC) Infoladen und Kulturverein Grauzone ATS 60,-
start 20:30
@ bierstindl, Innsbruck<back to top>
Sunday 2. September 2001
- Soli - fleemarket
DJs: MS, Herbie und Rhiz-DJs; soli-fleemarket in or on front of the rhiz. (depending on the weather) Everyone is invited to sell and buy everything in solidarity with the Caravan.
@ Rhiz, Vienna   <back to top>

- Discussion, Vienna
with members of the PublixTheatreCaravan at the Volksstimmefest
start 16.00 Uhr
@ Prater, Jesuitenwiese, Vienna   <back to top>


Saturday 25. August 2001
- Soli-Gürtelnightwalk
(soli - fee 2.- ATS per drink)
@ Rhiz & B72, Vienna   <back to top>  

Friday 24. August 2001
- Solikonzert
Antinationale Hardware-Summerparty with a lot of information, Cocktails,great vegan food
Petrograd from Luxembourg (live), Dudelange (live) and Zemezluc from Brno (live)

@ TÜWI, Vienna   <back to top>

- Soliparty
dj`s christina n., dent, herbie molin, span
@ Pulse, Vienna   <back to top>


Thursday, 23. August 2001
- Soliparty
dj`s peter hörmanseder, robert buchschwenter, huttie, decoy, eric phillipp
@ Pulse, Vienna   <back to top>

Wednesday 22. August 2001
- Soliconcert
Christian Fennez (live), DJ: G Gottlieb; ATS 80,-
@ B72, Vienna   <back to top>

Monday 20. August 2001
- Pressconference of the PublixTheatreCaravan, 10 a.m. at B72
@ B72, Hernalser Gürtel, Stadtbahnbogen 72-73, 1170 Wien   <back to top>

- ÖH Action at Mariahilferstrasse
Political theatre: People with black T Shirts (= Black Block) get identified and treated by the police in the manner of Genua.
@ 11 am meeting point: Babenbergerstrasse/ Mariahilferstrasse
Join us: Take your military and blackbox uniforms at Universitätsvertretung Wien, Altes Akh, Hof 1   <back to top>

- Worldwide action day - demonstrations
meeting at Stephansplatz 17.30, demo, end manifestation at Schwarzenbergplatz with speeches, readings, Publix-kitchen
@ 17.30, Stephansplatz

Demo at Salzburg: 18 pm , Alter Markt
Demo at Bregenz: 19 pm, Festspielhaus
Demo at Linz: 17 pm, Hauptbahnhof
Kundgebung at Innsbruck: 17 pm, Hofgarten
Strassentheater at Graz: 19 pm, Herrengasse in front of Landhaus   <back to top>

Sunday 19. August 2001
- Bluebox Streetparty
DJs: Hergo, Hutti, Christof Kurzmann, Herbie; (soli-fee ATS 2.- per drink, blue box gives the doubble dj-gage)
@ Bluebox, Vienna   <back to top>

Saturday, 18. August 2001
- Soliparty
DJs: Spaceant, Duke & Gon (Fettsquad), On TS (Twentyone Soundsystem), Zool & B2B & Spectron (The Krek), Extruder (Illy); floor 2 (ragga): homeboy, junglecrew
ATS 100,- (for the legal support of the Caravan)

@ WUK, Vienna   <back to top>

Friday, 17. August 2001
- Soliconcert
Wipeout (live), DJ: Gaiol (UKO); ATS 70,-
@ Rhiz, Vienna   <back to top>   Wednesday, 15. August 2001
- Discussion
@ Galerie 5020, Salzburg   <back to top>

Monday, 13. August 2001
- 10 a.m. Art is free! Artists imprisoned?
Die Austrian students association invits you to their solidarity action!
With this solidarity action we demand the release of all prisoners in Genua and visualise the networking and the peaceful use of the "weapons" of the artists.
Art has to be free! PublixTheatreCaravan also!
@ Altes AKH, Hof 2, Vienna
- 13 pm: Solidarity demonstration in Amsterdam
We gather at 1 pm in front of the central station. A mobile exhibition about the police behaviour and arrests will be part of the demo. After a tour though the city the group will end at the Dam (square).
The action is at the same time as the hearings of 25 people,including the 2 from Amsterdam. They are in jail for almost three weeks already because of some pocket knives, juggling stuff, theatre equipment and some black clothes. With this exhibition we also want to get attention for the increasing repression against international protests; Göteborg, Genoa… What's next? Come all to this demonstration! (more info: A Seed)
@ central station, Amsterdam   <back to top>

  Saturday 11. August 2001
- solidarity demo, 15 pm Stephansplatz
Freedom for all prisoners in Genua !! - Bring along the "weapons" of the artists, tranparents, drums, juggling sticks, ... ! Let s be loud, orange, and have fun! Hopefully the last demo for the imprisoned!
@ Stephansplatz, Vienna   <back to top>

Friday 10. August 2001
- Soli party

@ Vekks, Vienna
- Soli-Happening
Chat and Livestream: I-Camp.de and Unrest.at
Betr.: Jenseits der Skandal-Inszenierungen
+ Theatre meets reality - reality meets theatre - - - Information Genua
- Solidarity-Action
14-20 Uhr: Michaelaplatz. Es geht darum, auf die Situation der in Genua zu Unrecht inhaftierten KünstlerInnen der PublixTheatreCaravan aufmerksam zu machen. Darüberhinaus soll diese Performance auf die zunehmende Repression gegen jene KritikerInnen, die dem Staat unbequem sind, hinweisen. Weiters werden Unterschriften für eine sofortige Freilassung der Inhaftierten gesammelt.
@ Michaelaplatz, Vienna
- Press talking of the PublixTheatreCaravan about "political theatre"

Since the arrest of the PublixTheatreCaravane there were many names found for them. Nobody seems to know what "political theatre" is or, like the "Group for combat of terrorism" (ETB), does not want to know.
3 days before the awaited release of the 25 artists who are arrested for 2 weeks now, there will be a presentation and discussion about theatre and its circumstances with:

o Marlene Streeruwitz, author
o Eva Brenner, regisseur and leader of "Projekt Theater Studios"
o Gerhard Ruiss, initiator of the appell for the release of the imprisoned members of PublixTheatreCaravane and leader IG Autorinnen Autoren,
o Members of the PublixTheatreCaravane

@ Schauspielhaus, Vienna   <back to top>

Wednesday 8. August 2001
- Naked - Artist s action at Heldenplatz
15.00: Demonstration of solidarity and demand for release of the imprisoned artists in Genua by an artists`action on Heldenplatz. There will be a lot of artists showing their protest with their bodies. (Pictures)
@ Heldenplatz, Vienna   <back to top>

Saturday 4. August 2001
- 15.00: Demonstration
Freedom for all the imprisoned in Genoa!

What the Rechtshilfe in Vienna said at the demo - sorry, german only!)
@ Stephansplatz, Vienna   <back to top>

Monday 31. Juli 2001
- Press conference
The weapons of the artists
@ Donaukanal, Vienna   <back to top>

Saturday 28. Juli 2001
- 15.00: Demonstration
Freedom for all the imprisoned in Genoa! Free PublixTheatreCaravan!
@ Stephansplatz, Vienna   <back to top>