
Exhibition: Free movement and residency rights for everyone! (vom 05.10.2008),
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[05. Oct 2008]

Exhibition: Free movement and residency rights for everyone!

9.-12. October 2008, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, Studio Building, Lehargasse 8, 1060 Vienna

Opening | 09.10.2008, 19.00 h
Duration of the exhibition | 10.10.2008 - 12.10.2008
Venue | Academie of Fine Arts, Studio Building, Lehárgasse 8, 1060 Vienna, in Room M1 (1st floor)
Opening hours daily from 10.00 am to 7.00 pm.

within the day of decentralised action for freedom of movement and residence on Friday 10th October 2008

Who can study at Austrian Universities? To whom is granted to be "creative", "academically supported" and "mobile"? How much "international exchange" is at the universities for real?

The Austrian law "package for foreigners" that was :: coming into effect on the 1st of January 2006, illegalizes people who do not possess an EU/EEA-Passport or it drastically confines their (residency) rights. For people entering Austria through the so-called "Drittstaatsländer", it is hard to get a visa.

For :: artists and scientist without an EU-passport, the "Settlement and residency"-law allows only a temporary residence. Only those who can prove "special achievements" (which are not defined) are excepted from this restrictive regulations. This involves not only tremendous exposure throughout the restrictive application procedure, but they are constantly exposed to "every-day racism" that structures the life of non-Austrian citizens. This means that they are constantly exposed to disqualification and in many cases they are under extreme, sometimes lethal, (police) violence.

At the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna, several students were or are affected by the so-called "alien's law package".



The Department for (post)conceptual art at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna is announcing the opening of an exhibition through a solidarity statement AGAINST Illegalization and FOR free movement and residency rights!

Opening on the 9th October 2008, 19:00 h Room M1 (1st floor), Lehargasse 8, 1060 Wien in the framework of the central action day for free movement and residency rights on the 10th October 2008 Duration of the exhibition: from 10th October until 12th October 2008


Lisa Bolyos/Annegang
Manuela Bojadžijev/Serhat Karakayalı
Annalisa Cannito
Emanuel Danesch
Petja Dimitrova
Lina Dokuzović
Marina Gržinić/Aina Šmid
Driton Hajredini
Muzaffer Hasaltay
Ana Hoffner
Christoph Kolar
Lisbeth Kovačič
Daniela Koweindl/IG Bildende Kunst
Maria Krisper
Sinan Mollahasanov
Patrick Schabus
Ronja Vogl
Tilmann Otto Wagner
Katarina Zdjelar

Participants of the :: Workshop "Schengen (z)erstellen"

Participants of the project "No! Against racism, exploitation and colonization!" (Pavelhaus, Juni–September 2008):
Araba Evelyn Johnston-Arthur/Belinda Kazeem and :: The Black Research Group on Austrian Presence and History, Oliver Ressler, Kanak Attack, Petra Gerschner, Rana Bishara, Siniša Ilić, Staš Kleindienst/Sebastjan Leban,, Evren Uzer/Otto von Busch

Participants of the project :: "comments on racism" (KKP der Universität für angewandte Kunst in Kooperation mit Martin Krenn):
Lukas Karl Richard Frankenberger, Jasmina Hirschl, Eva-Maria Lausegger/Petra Mallek, Elisabeth Panholzer, Georg Philipp Leopold Sturmlechner/Robert Zimmermann, Daniela Tagger, Stéphanie Ternes

Eduard Freudmann (ed[at]
Can Gülcü (cg[at]