IWF/WB-Treffen in Prag, Gegenaktivitäten und Peoples' Global Action
http://www.oph.cz | The "Legal Observers in Prague 2000" project is being prepared by the Ekologický Právní Servis (Environmental Law Service - EPS) in cooperation with Hnutí obcanské solidarity a tolerance (Citizens' solidarity and tolerance movement - HOST) and a group of solicitors, journalists, interpreters, psychologists and other people who have professional or personal interest in human rights or who just want to show that there is a way how to deal with the situation differently than the media and state institutions are presenting. |
http://www.prague.indymedia.org | The Independent Media Center is a network of collectively run media outlets for the creation of radical, objective, and passionate tellings of the truth. We work out of a love and inspiration for people to who continue to work for a better world, despite corporate media's distortions and unwillingness to cover the efforts to free humanity. |
neue Seite von INPEG. |
http://inpeg.ecn.cz/ Kontakt: |
INPEC Initiative against economic globalisation
prague 2000 "We do not support the initiation of any violence against people, animals or property. At the same time we support citizens' democratic rights to demonstrate. We oppose any measures taken by any authorities to prevent people from exercising this right." tschechisch, englisch, einzelne Texte in anderen Sprachen |
Kontakt: |
Global Action gegen "Frei"-Handel und die Welthandelsorganisation
mit manifest, was ist die PGA?, .... und vielen infos über aktionen in den vergangenen jahren sprachen: english, espanol, francais, italiano, deutsch, russkij, portugues (Auf den deutschsprachigen Seiten sind zur Zeit keine aktuellen Informationen) |
Kontakt: |
S26 - Global Day of Action - 26. September 2000 globaler Aktionstag gegen Kapitalismus "September 26-28 the IMF and World Bank are holding their 55th annual summit in Prague. A mass mobilisation of people to Prague is beginning. On September 26 peoples of the world will express their opposition to the World Bank and the IMF and their policies. Peoples of the world will join together in an expression of solidarity with the demonstrators in Prague." |
http://www.lobsterparty.org/ md_index.html Kontakt: |
Mayday 2000: Global Day of Action, Resistance & Carnival
Against Capitalism "MONDAY 1 MAY 2000: Continuing from June 18th and November 30th, groups around the world are preparing for a global day of action in the same spirit on May 1st 2000. Our networks have spread, we have learned much, and we have seen hundreds of thousands of people engage themselves for the first time." bilder von aktionen, links zu verschiedenen organisationen kann selbständig erweitert werden |
http://flag.blackened.net/revolt/ inter/solidarita.html Kontakt: |
Solidarita - Revolutionary Anarchists (Platformists) from the Czech Republic |
Kontakt: |
(hier können links eingetragen werden) |
Kontakt: |
S11 Mass Action for global justice & the environment - guide to the non-violent s11 actions at the...World Ecomomic Forum, 11-13 september 2000 crown casino, melbourne australia |
Kontakt: |
Camping in Prague - Activist-friendly
camping space is being organised for September. sprachen: tschechisch, tlw. englisch (hinweis auf hp in ch, d) FAM s.r.o. werbeseite für zeltfirma mit sitzen in deutschland und schweiz mit anmeldemöglichkeit für unterkunft bei gegenaktivitäten in prag. |
http://www.agp.org/agp/ infopool/bul5dt.htm Kontakt: |
PGA Bulletin 5 (deutsch) |
Inter Continental Caravan 1999 mit viele Infos und Berichte (incl. ICC Bulletin 1-3) |
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