Forum on Refugee and Migrant Struggles within the EU (vom 24.09.2013),
URL: http://no-racism.net/article/4533/,
besucht am 29.03.2025
[24. Sep 2013]
From 27. - 29. September 2013 in Afro-Asian Institute and Serviten Monastery, Vienna: Discussions, Presentations, Workshops, Public Actions.
:: Program as pdf
Afro Asian Institute, Türkenstrasse 3, 1090 Vienna
Main Hall- Ground Floor
Refugee Protests and EUropean Citizenship:
Non-Citizen Struggles producing a new Radical Europe.
Presentations and discussions with activists from various European protest movements :: Refugee Protest Camp Vienna (A), :: MigSzol (HU), :: The Voice (D), :: Refugee Strike Berlin (D), Refugee Protests in Poland. Tbc :: Refugee Tent Action (D), :: San Papiers Collective Paris (FR), Asante (:: GR), Refugee Protests in :: Bulgaria.
Serviten Monastery, Müllnergasse 6, 1090 Vienna
Towards a Common Language, Common Claims and Common Space:
Forms of Refugee and Migrant Resistance.
Presentations and discussions on transnational organization, publicity and demands, followed by workshops.
11:00-14:00, Presentations and Discussions
On Organization
The Worldhouse, a center for undocumented migrants in Amsterdam develops forms of activism which combine support and visibility. The passport of Amsterdam, a booklet including the rights and services concerning undocumented inhabitants of Amsterdam is one example of this approach. Another approach is given by the Dutch Labour Union who accepts undocumented cleaners as members and activists for their campaign "Schoon
Genoeg", too.
Presentation by Evelyn Schwarz, Worldhouse, Amsterdam.
On Publicity and Media
Which strategies have been used to reach visibility? Which media have been used or newly created by different movements? Has visibility in mainstream media and in society in general been a goal, and, if yes, how has it been reached? Which forms of action have we used to show our resistance in the streets? *Presentation by activists from Copenhagen (DK) from the Kirkeasyl protests (2009) and the current campaign "Her Er Plads".
Demands to the EU
In June 2014, elections to the EU Parliament will take place. Many of the demands of refugee movements address the EU level, e.g. with regard to Dublin II/III regulations. The refugee movement in Berlin has started to collect these demands as a preparation for a campaign within the framework of the European Parliament elections.
Presentation and discussion.
15:00-19:00, Workshops
Towards Common Language (Publicity)
We are surrounded by structural violence that attacks human dignity each day, the new Goliath. But our strength is our weakness. We will collectively use our bodies through simple theatrical techniques of human statues and comics, preparing to defeat Goliath. Against Goliath is a technique of the Theater of Hearing (Teatro de la Escucha). Born 20 years ago in Spain, its roots are in the Pedagogy and the Theater of the Oppresssed, non-violence struggles and many different social and political theaters from all over the world.
Workshop lead by Zuzanna Gawron (PL)
Towards Common Claims (Demands)
On the base of hitherto work by the refugee movement in Berlin we shall collect transnational demands to be addressed to the European Parliament and search for adequate forms for a campaign in the run-up to the European elections 2014.
Lead by Monika Mokre (A).
Towards Common Space (Organization)
Participants come together for an open debate on achievements and failures of refugee movements and migrant struggles. We want to share our practices and learn from each other; discuss relationships between Citizens and Non-Citizens, refugees and supporters in the movements; improve our local strategies and think of developing transnational tools for future steps.
Lead by Evelyn Schwarz (NL) and Somah Ibrahimi (AF).
The three workshops will take place in parallel.
Register until 27th September indicating which workshop you would like to attend: ReemphasisCampaignSignup (at) gmail.com
Afro Asian Institute, Türkenstrasse 3, 1090 Vienna
Main Hall- Ground Floor
Open plenary debate on future steps
followed by a public action
All inputs and discussions will be held in English.
:: refugeecampvienna.noblogs.org
:: re-emphasis.blogspot.com
:: wienwoche.org/2013/en/231/re-emphasis
Re-emphasis is a project within the frame of WIENWOCHE.