From 11th to 18th May 2005, the Viennese Congress is taking place. The call states that "we want to make Vienna to our starting point for a political and social reorganization of Europe according to our own interests and needs!". One of the subject areas deals with asylum- and migration-policies of the EU: Against illegalizing - criminalizing - internment - deportation /// Collective resistance!
If not stated otherwise, place:
Campus of the University of Vienna
Spitalgasse/Alser strasse (yard 1+2+10)
Wednesday 11th of May 2005
19:30, HS D (yard 10): Opening event for the Viennese Congress 2005
Thursday 12th of May 2005
12:00 - 18:00: Workshops
meeting @ GEWI-Cafe (yard 2)
- detained and in hunger strike
- global and european camps and resistance
- and Open Space
18:00 - 19:00: Break
19:30, HS D (yard 10): Discussion about european and global camp politics and means of resistance.
afterwards: Forstfilm
Friday 13th of May 2005: F13 Day of action
Day of social disobedience against exclusion and oppression with many actions in public.
More info: www.f13.at
18:00: Workshop: Migrants in precarious working- and living situations
meeting point: Gewi-Cafe, (yard 2)
Saturday 14th of May 2005:
meeting point: Gewi-Cafe, (yard 2)
11:00: Workshops and Open Space
13:00: Information and discussion regarding asylum and migration politics in Austria (compared to other EU countries)
15:00 - 16:00: break
16:00: Open microphone: Possibilities for presentation of organisations, clubs, means of actions, videos, ... How can we improve our networking and exchange? Reflexion of the various workshops, discussions and actions.
Sunday 15th of May 2005:
Demonstrations and actions
20:00: Party in solidarity with the "Deserteurs- und Flüchtlingsberatung" (legal support for refugees) with films against borders and deportation; at the TÃWI, Peter Jordanstrasse 76
Monday 16th of May 2005
place changed! @ EKH, Wielandgasse 2-4, 1100 Vienna (U1 Keplerplatz)
13:00 - 16:00: Open Space
16:00 - 20:00: Final plenum for the Viennese Congress with reports of the individual working groups.
Tuesday 17th of May 2005
Actions and Open Space
Wednesday May 18th, 2005:
TÃWI-Open Air @ Türkenschanzpark
Thursday 12th of May 2005, Workshops 12:00-18:00
Workshop: "in Schubhaft" (beeing in detention for deportation) and hunger strike
"Schubhaft" (detention for deportation) is a deprivation of personal freedom solely "foreigners" can put into. It is an administrative detention, imposed by an administrative authority, there is no court, no conviction, by the law one is not imprisoned but detained: to enforce deportation routinely without problems. The new asylum law and amendments of the foreigners law (the government has taken decision on 10th of May 2005) will bring massive tightenings and even worse situation concerning detention.
Schubhaft is there to take ones right. Like deportation it"s a massive form of oppression. One that became "normality" in Austria and the EU.
People in detention have no rights. This people often see their only chance in actions which might endanger their health. Often their only possible form of resistance is a hungerstrike. Official numbers count 1000 or more hungerstrikers each year. That people find themselves forced to endanger their own health shows how hopeless the situation of detained people is. The new laws will allow the authorities even more interference like forcibly feeding.
We are in the opinion that the only way to solve the problems of detention is to abolish detention immediately.
Discussion meeting and Workshop about global and european camps and resistance
They are everywhere: camps, taking rights and dignity from the people. Constructions with the only reason to detain people. People, whose right to be here is taken away. The global racist policy of walling of is aiming more and more on refugees and migrants, and there is only little resistance. The inmates in the different forms of camps often are completely on their own without any contact to the world outside the detention camp. But even if the people can leave the camp, they are isolated.
But those which seem without hope, existing behind barbwire, fences and walls, create forms of resistance, the people on the other side of the wall often don"t notice this. In this discussion we want to break through this wall and find ways to fight against detention camps, to fight for freedom of all people.
In the afternoon a workshop concerning the policy of detention camps and the results of the workshop should influence the discussion. Their are different forms of detention, so it also needs different forms of resistance. We want to exchange our experiences, from Sangatte in France to detention in Austria to the protests in and around Woomera (which has been closed) and Baxter in Australia.
After that Forstfilm, a movie on a detention camp in Germany.
Friday, 13th of May 2005
18:00-22:00: Contradiction and Potential on Precarisation
Precarisation is more than social, legal and financial insecurity - especially for women....
Saturday 12th of May 2005
13:00: Information and Discussion on the policy of asylum and migrant policy in Austria in comaprisation to the EU policy
The Asylum law and foreigners law 2005 just has been decided on and will becoming operative in January 2006. Already the last law, which came into effect in May 2004, changed the asylum procedure basically and gave direction to the new asylum law. Last year so called "Erstaufnahmezentren" have been installed where all asylumseekers should be collected to put them in the asylum procedure which aims on rapidness not on qualitiy. Whereas the maximum length of detention for deportation will be extended from 6 to 10 months in two years.
What are the new asylum laws, what do the changes mean for asylumseekers and their supporters? That"s what we want to analyze and discuss.
16:00: Open microphone: Possibilities for presentation of organisations, clubs, means of actions, videos, ... How can we improve our networking and exchange? Reflexion of the various workshops, discussions and actions.