Metelkova City Cultural Centre is a former ex-Yugoslav military complex in the center of Ljubljana, squatted by artists, activists, cultural workers, etc. from Ljubljana / Slovenia in 1993.
Press release from May 31, 2005
METELKOVA CITY CULTURAL CENTRE represents one of the most prominent cultural/artistic landmarks of the city of Ljubljana.
It"s reputation reaches well over the borders of the state of Slovenia.
Dated this Wednesday, June 1, 2005, the State Inspection for Environment and Space of Slovenia announces the beginning of the demolitions of some objects of Metelkova. It is our firm belief that such a demolition opposes civilized norms of the world we all share.
We thus urge you to use all your influence in finding a more constructive solution for the future of this unique cultural phenomenon. Such a solution should, of course, take into full account the will of groups and individuals who created (and continue to do so) Metelkova City Cultural Centre.
Your act - signature, your voice - may be of great help for us who go into defending this unique cultural, artistic, social and political space, that is known all over the world.
Support us in our struggle for the last free and urban space in the centre of Ljubljana! So send the petition, spread the word, inform colleague musicians, artists, activists...
Sincerely yours,
Forum of Metelkova City Autonomous Cultural Centre
... Send a copy of your letter to info (at) metelkova.org
Ms. Danica Simsic / mayor of the City of Ljubljana, danica.simsic (at) ljubljana.si
Mr. Igor Omerza / vicemayor of the City of Ljubljana, igor.omerza (at) ljubljana.si
Mr. Milos Pavlica / vicemayor of the City of Ljubljana, milos.pavlica (at) ljubljana.si
Mr. Slavko Slak / vicemayor of the City of Ljubljana, slavko.slak (at) ljubljana.si
Bureau of the President of the State of Slovenia, gp.uprs (at) up-rs.si
Ministry for Culture of RS, gp.mk (at) gov.si