An Overview of the International Human Rights Framework.
Neue Broschüre zeigt im Bereich der Menschenrechte illegalisierter MigrantInnen ihre Rechte und Optionen auf Schutz, aber auch Lücken auf.
Viele Menschen glauben, illegalisierte MigrantInnen hätten gar keine Rechte - dass dem nicht so ist, zeigt eine Zusammenstellung von
PICUM und MRI (Migrants Rights International) über den Schutz und seine Lücken im Rahmen der internationalen Menschenrechte.
Many people think that undocumented migrants have no rights since they are living without permission to legally reside in a country which is not their own. But it is a myth that undocumented migrants do not have any rights and therefore PICUM, the Platform for International Cooperation on Undocumented Migrants, has just released a publication entitled: Undocumented Migrants Have Rights! An Overview of the International Human Rights Framework.
The purpose of this guide is to give an overview of the human rights which do in fact apply to undocumented migrants in international human rights law.
The first part of the publication presents instruments within the international human rights framework as well as those on the European level and clarifies why and how these instruments uphold the human rights of undocumented migrants. The second part enumerates more in detail all of the human rights that apply to undocumented migrants within the international and European conventions and relative articles therein.
This publication was launched at a joint workshop held by PICUM and Migrants Rights International (MRI) in Brussels on March 30, 2007. The workshop was attended by civil society actors from throughout Europe and from around the world, who exchanged information about the discrimination of undocumented migrants and strategies for defending their rights. The report of the workshop will be available shortly on PICUM’s website.