The Netherlands is holding the European record for detaining underdo- cumented migrants. On 17th of January 2013 the Russian opposition activist Aleksandr Domatov killed hinmself in the detention Center of Rotterdam Airport.
He was denied asylum. This news came via Russian media, because in Holland nobody knew and the IND (Immigration Service) does not comment (see below). Aleksandr is not the first to die in detention in Holland.
This is why WE ARE HERE, the movement of refugees-on-the-street is fighting for life, for hope, for the right to exist.
At this moment we occupy two churches, one in Amsterdam and one in Den Haag (since last week). The refugee Church in Amsterdam was sqautted two days after the eviction of the protest camp in Osdorp on 30 of November 2012 (see :: Protest camp Amsterdam evicted and church squatted).
We are preparing a big action now for when the winter is over. We have to leave the Refugee Church end of March. The kick-off is March 23rd (International day to Stop Racism), with a rally against criminalization of illegal residency. Marching, camoping, a caravanserai through Holland and Europe. Paris-Dakar on camels. Anything goes.
Source of the news on Dolmatov:
According to Russian media reports, a Russian opposition activist has taken his life in the Netherlands after being denied asylum in that country.
Interfax says a spokeswoman for the Russian Embassy in the Netherlands confirmed Aleksandr Dolmatov committed suicide "at a refugee facility" but could not provide details.
There has been no official confirmation from Dutch police.
The Other Russia opposition party of which Dolmatov was a member also reported his death and said he had been denied asylum in the Netherlands.
Dolmatov, a designer at a Russian defense firm, had been arrested during a mass opposition demonstration in Moscow in May, but was released. (:: rferl.org)
We ask you to write to the Minister and demand clarification:
Ministerie van Veiligheid en Justitie
Postbus 20301
2500 EH Den Haag
or mail the head of communications:
w.kortman (at) minvenj.nl
Information by M2M Radio, Migrant to Migrant, :: m2m.streamtime.org