December 18, 2014 - Let's give identity and dignity to the thousands of migrants deceased and missing along the migratory routes around the world!
40 thousands are the migrants dead on the terrestrial and maritime migratory routes since 2000. It is stated on the last published IOM report. Almost 22 thousand have died in the Mediterranean Sea. And thousands are still missing. They are the new "desaparecidos".
The anniversary of the shipwreckdisaster in front of the Lampedusa Island on :: October 3rd, 2013 in which 368 people lost their lives has brought to the political world scene the tragedy of the migrants deceased and lost along the migratory routes.
However, politics and media are transforming the victims in numbers, digits, statistics. And this can give us sometimes the dimension of what is happening in front of our eyes.
But numbers, digits, statistics take people's identity away. It transforms them in "objects".
If alive migrants are deprived from their right to exist, the right to have their own voice, the right to be individuals and not objects, dead or lost is worse!
The right to have identity is a human being inalienable right.
It is what gives us dignity to our existence.
For this reason this December 18th we want to give back identity and dignity to the thousands people dead and lost along the world's migratory routes.
We want to do it because we don't forget and we will continue to demand truth and justice until liability for what caused their decease and disappearance is determined.
We want to do it to denounce the ongoing war againstthe migrants conducted by the countries from the North of the world with the complicity of the governmentsof the South of the world.
We want to do it in order to make the civil society of the world understand the dimensions of the tragedy in progress.
But we want to do it to recover the dreams and hopes of who was looking for a better future.
Because to migrate is a brave act of those who love life.
That's why this December 18th we want to tell this in all languages:
We demand TRUTH AND JUSTICE for the migrants dead and lost along the migratory routes of the planet.
We want a world where human beings can circulate freely and choose the place to live.
December 18, 2014
Fourth Global Day of Action
for the Rights of Migrants, Refugees and Displaced People
Info : info (at) globalmigrantsaction.org
Source :: globalmigrantsaction.org