First call for defencing festival at the Slovenian-Croatian border that will take place 24th to 26th of June 2016. Join the convergence at the spot (border towns of Kumrovec and Bistrica ob Sotli) and preparatory process.
Temporary Autonomous Zone for Freedom of Movement. With Music & Actions & Discussions against Borders.
First Call
Dear friends all over Europe and beyond!
We call for three days of cultural and political actions at Slovenian Croatian border, in the border towns Kumrovec and Bistrica ob Sotli. This historically closely connected area is since months divided by fence erected by Slovenian government to deter refugees and migrants exercising universal right to move and migrate.
Our aim is to set a strong signal against EU border regime with the closure of Balkan Route and shameful EU-Turkey agreement and to provide a space to strengthen cooperation among solidarity networks on Balkan Route, to highlight the protagonism of refugees and migrants and to support local antiracist initiatives.
We will build temporary autonomous zone beyond the border through close collaboration between refugee migrants communities, local communities, transnational activist networks and civil society.
We will express our commitment to build solidarity without borders through various artist, cultural, political actions on the both sides of the razor blade fence and beyond. We believe that after summer of migration and repression of movement and closure of Balkan Route we need coordinated mobilizations around and against militarized borders for freedom of movement and we consider defencing festival as complementary event with :: noborder camp in Thessaloniki three weeks later.
To make this event a catalyst for daily struggles for freedom of movement we invite individuals, communities, collectives, networks to join the preparation process, to mobilize, to help with logistics and to converge in Kumrovec and Bistrica ob Sotli last weekend of June.
Transnational preparation meeting in Ljubljana on 23rd of April 2016.
Contact: d10.ljubljana (at) gmail.com