Alf is going to Thessaloniki in Greece. There the NoBorder-Camp is going to take place from 15th to 24nd of July and is a self-organized camp, which "aims to realize horizontal and direct-democratic structures and procedures." It announces the fight against all the oppressive and hierarchic settings.
The camp raises the claim to "create new, steady, self-organized structures for support and solidarity to refugees and link together the already existing ones."
Our plan is to start at the 1st of July in Germany. But we don't want to travel to Greece alone with the Bus Alf, we want to go in a caravan.
During the journey Alf is not going to be the center of the caravan and cannot fend for the catering. In fact we want to plan and drive together with you in a kempt DIY-manner. That means, that Alf Partout on the one hand and the caravan on the other hand lives on people taking the initiative. We don't want principals.
We're going to try organizing free places in carts for people that want to come without car, together.
For the drive we provided 2 weeks, because Alf is not the fastest car driving 70km/h. Within 2 weeks there is enough time for unpredictable circumstances, which empirically appear regularly if you go by van. With time we can travel relaxed and have time to get to know each other (better). If we actually arrive some time before the NoBorder-Camp starts, there is the possibility to support the camp withe the composition.
Because we are going for an open caravan, you can decide, when and where you want to come along or leave. We are going to arrange suitable to the certain situations. The structure will be made by you locally. Every person is free to create they're own individual plans.
There are several reasons why we want to travel in a caravan. On the one hand because we want to establish antisexist, antiracist, antifascist, anticapitalist (and so on) structures and we like to travel, on the other hand because we can reach a higher medial presence fore those topics thereby. Besides we are more immune from police assaults in a bigger group.
If you are interested in joining us, you can write an e-mail with the subject matter "caravan". Than we can add you on the allocator. With the allocator we can organise details like the route, parking positions for the nights, squats and share experiences. Write, if you have a car and space for other people and would take them or not and if you are sure that you are coming or not.
Animals are welcome.
This is an appeal for a generous distribution of this invitation!
This is the NoBorder Camp blog :: noborder2016.espivblogs.net.
On the blog :: alfpartout.blogsport.eu you can find the newest infos about the caravan.
E-Mail: alfpartout (at) riseup.net