Protests at Baxter Detention Centre - Pt Augusta SA, Australia - Easter Weekend, 25 - 28 March 2005: Present policies of Mandatory Detention, Forced Deportations and "border protection" represent an attack on fundamental principles of human rights and justice.
They represent an unprecedented politicisation and corporatisation of the military and public services. They are inflicting appalling suffering on children and adults with long lasting psychological damage. These policies are designed to appeal to and incite racism and fear.
Activists across Australia have been busy organisng :: BAXTER05 - "a convergence of human rights, compassion and action. BX05 will be a powerful coming together of those who seek to put an end to Australia"s racist and xenophobic policies such as :: Mandatory Detention of Refugees." Organisers expect a kaleidoscope of multifarious autonomous actions, media streams and screenings, music, workshops, discussions and happenings.
Refugee rights activists and and autonomous diversity groups from around australia invite you to join a national convergence on Baxter Detention Centre from March 25-28 2005. Baxter IDC is located on military land at the El Alamein army training facility on Old Whyalla road, approximately 12 kilometres south west of the Port Augusta (SA) township and is some 275 kms nor-northwest of Adelaide. (see :: map)
Baxter05.info says: "Everyone is encouraged to communicate and publicise Baxter05, their views and their plans for actions in their own way. There is NO CENTRAL ORGANISING GROUP. We operate with AUTONOMOUS AFFINTY across established networks and anonymous individuals across this country and beyond..."
Article taken from :: Perth IMC