Ten months had passed since the young backpackers and FoodNotBombs volunteers were illegally arrested, tortured, detained and charged with fabricated crimes by Philippine Authorities. The quest for their freedom continues, ...
... this includes a minor victory that helped 2 among the 11 detainees pulled-out from jail for being minors. Yet the struggle continues until everyone is free and until every one of us is free.
On November 17th and 20th, 2006 :: International Action Day for the unconditional release of the illegally detained Sagada-bound backpackers was held, targeting Philippine Embassies and Consulates.
In Tokyo, young autonomous activists called for "Free Sagada 9" and "Stop Oppressing All Political Activists".
[ :: Read Story Here :: And Here ]
In Wellington, New Zealand "the protestors handed a staff member (Philippine Embassy) a letter calling on the government to immediately release the Sagada 11."
[ :: Photos and Story Here ]
In Brighton, U.K., "about a dozen people visited the Philippines embassy in Kensington Palace Gardens to highlight the case of the Sagada 11".
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In Berlin, Germany "some people attacked the ambassador of the philippines in berlin with color, besides they sprayed the slogan: freedom for the sagada11".
[ :: Read Here ]
In Baguio, Philippines "Friends and families of the nine punks still languishing at the Benguet Provincial Jail in La Trinidad gathered at the Baguio Justice Hall grounds to dramatize their protest and attest their incessant support to their colleagues."
[ :: Read Here ]
In Cyberspace, an online Direct Action or better known as Virtual Sit-in has resurfaced targeting once more the Philippine National Police website.
[ :: Take Here :: And Here :: Manila Autonomous Media ]
For offers of international support: freesagada11 (at) lists.riseup.net
This article was published first by :: Manila Independent Media Collective, translations at :: indymedia.org