17 - 25 March 2007, call for the European-wide Action Week Against Racism
Call by :: United - European network against nationalism, racism, fascism and in support of migrants and refugees
** 21 MARCH **
The International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination takes place annually on 21 March. On that day, in 1960, police opened fire and killed 69 people at a peaceful demonstration in Sharpeville (South Africa) against the apartheid "pass laws". Proclaiming the Day in 1966, the General Assembly of the United Nations called on the international community to redouble its efforts to eliminate all forms of racial discrimination.
During the annual European-wide Action Week Against Racism, which centres around 21 March, thousands of people engage themselves for tolerance, equal rights and celebrate the diversity of Europe. The Action Week takes place at the local, national and international level. Most of activities will focus on involving population at the local level. This year once again hundreds of activities will take place all around Europe, organised by a wide variety of organisations. Activities range from intercultural youth festivals, cleaning off the walls racist slogans, to multicultural football matches.
This years slogan 'All Different-All Equal' for the European-wide Action Week Against Racism is connected with the Europe-wide Campaign from the Council of Europe for 'Diversity, Human Rights and Participation' (June 2006 to September 2007). 'All Different - All Equal' is more than just a slogan, it's a question: What does equal mean? Does it mean we all have equal rights? What about equal access, equal opportunities, equal chances? In fact, it is depending on the social, cultural and economic background that the individual has experienced. On our beautiful world there are still people who suffer because they look, feel, behave and believe differently than other people. Difference and variety are enrichments for our lives and stimulate us to broaden our mind.
Still, generalisation, prejudices and stereo-typing within the personal or even public area lead to scapegoating, hatred, discrimination and racism. We are confronted with a gap between legislation and reality. This campaign aims at showing that even though we are all different we need to fight for equal rights. Hopefully we can be part of a vivid movement contributing to peaceful inter-community relations by showing a lot of strength through constructive dialogues among cultures and religions. We have to take care that the worth of diversity doesn't get lost in racism leading to exclusion, discrimination, prejudices and verbal or physical violence.
UNITED links various activities and highlights the issues of racism on an European level. It publicises and supports initiatives of local groups. :: UNITED for Intercultural Action is the European network against nationalism, racism, fascism and in support of migrants and refugees.
Linked through UNITED, more than 560 organisations and youth organisations work together on a voluntary basis. For more campaign information: http://www.unitedagainstracism.org (under 'new' or 'campaigns').
To make sure your activity is included in the European List of Activities, documenting all the different activities during the campaign and the strength of the antiracism movement, send any available information to UNITED, either by
fax (+31-20-6834582)
e-mail (info (at) unitedagainstracism.org)
or just call in the office (+31-20-6834778)
Postbus 413 - NL 1000 AK Amsterdam
The List is regularly updated on http://www.unitedagainstracism.org