At least about 300 people from many eastern and western countries participated in the ukrainian nobordercamp near uzhgorod. Finally also a common action at the pawshino detetion center took place, simultanously a demonstration at the "migration service" in uzhgorod took place.
Although the camp was announced as a "pure" communication-camp a common antiracist action took place last friday, 17th august 2007: 30 people went to pawshino detention camp, in order to express direct solidarity to the detainees, who are arrested there in incredible inhuman conditions. Simultanously about 200 persons started a manifestation in front of the office of "migration service" in uzhgorod, which is mainly responsible for the situation in pawshino.
Afterwards a demonstration was made through the city with a final manifestation at the central square. Leaflets were handed out to the population, while obviously most of them never heared about the "lager", which is established in pawshino in the main interest of eu-policy of deterrence.
Ukraine is, as also explained in the press-conference, the "marocco of the east"! During the whole week a noborder festival with concerts, films, public discussion and a press-conference took place in the city of uzhgorod, and a lot of workshops and films in the nobordercamp 15 km away at a nice place close to the river uzh.