Border Peoples' Conference :: 27-29 September 2007 in Puerto Peñasco, Sonora, México :: The time has come to stand up against repression and death in our communities!
Between September 25-27 the governors of all ten border states along the U.S. / Mexico boundary will gather in Puerto Peñasco, Sonora for the XXV Border Governors' Conference. On the agenda will be expansion of megaprojects and neo-liberal trade, along with border security, repression and the ongoing militarization of law enforcement.
:: The Southwest Network for Environmental and Economic Justice and its many supporters and affiliates are organizing a vigil, demonstrations and a counter-summit during the governors' conference. Rides are being arranged from Tucson. For more information and to reserve a spot on a 15-passenger shuttle contact :: the Coalición de Derechos Humanos.
Cosponsored by: The Southwest Network for Environmental and Economic Justice, Coalición de Derechos Humanos, Alianza Indígena Sin Fronteras, Danza Mexica Cuauhtemoc, AFSC, Tierra y Libertad, Radio Yoreme Nooka
download a flyer :: here (pdf).
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