The borders are everywhere.
Schengen agreements, instruments, effects, and resistance.
Exhibition @ Gesu Monastry - Squat, Rue Traversière/Dwarsstraat 2.
Attention state border! Controls are everywhere... The monitoring could be described by the Schengen agreements and other regulations within the European Union and at their external borders. The effects of the militarization at the external borders are frequent and numerous people are killed. This is only one of the consequences of the Schengen agreement. It is usually concealed as justification for the policy of exclusion, predominantly racist arguments are served. What they call open borders do not mean that all can move freely.
Many humans are systematically segregated and hunted. Measures such as routine and emphasis controls inside the Schengen area, detention, and deportation serve to criminalize humans without valid residence papers. And, the misalignment of the borders on the inside misalign all people. The authorities arrange to be defined by their actions however strengthened against groups of humans, those due to their appearance, the clothes, or certain characteristics, making racist write ups define, at the same time, goals of official acts.
The exhibition was compiled in several Workshops of December 2007 to June 2008. In the summer of 2009 it was revised. It presents an intermediate result of the argument in the present form - and parts of the resistance. It gives an idea of the content wise and technical structure to the fortress Europe, and the increasing collection and storage of data. Further more, the various resistances against controls and monitoring, and against borders and border regimes are brought up for discussion.
During the NoBorder Camp in Brussels you can see the Exhibition @ Gesu Monastry - Squat, Rue Traversière/Dwarsstraat 2.