The Protest of refugees in Vienna reches new dimensions: dozens of tents in Sigmund-Freud-Park, more asylum seekers have announced to join the camp. Support, assistance and presence are still very important. Show Solidarity!
Press conference Monday, 26.11., 11 am, in the Camp
Around 150 persons are at the refugees' protest camp in Sigmund-Freud-Park in the nineth district of Vienna on Sunday. Many took part in the plenary, plenty food, sunshine and the party and succesful demo on saturday make a good mood. Saturday evening, the protest march from Traiskirchen with more than 500 participants reached den tent city. On Sunday, more asylum seekers from the refugee camp in Traiskirchen announced to join in.
Until further notice, the protest camp is announced as a political assembly; this was the outcome of a meeting between registrators of the camp, the city of Vienna and the police on sunday. Police wants to check the juridical status, after estimations from the camp, it will not be before tuesday until a possible ban could be exprected. The legal representatives of the manifestation are convinced that the camp is covered by the constitutional right of freedom of assembly because it has political charakter and serves the expression of opinion. Against an eventuel ban they were threatened with, they would take legal measures immediately. In the past, there had already been similar manifestations repeatedly like the protest camp by the Somali community only a few weeks ago in front of parliament; therefor the registrators are convinced to win an eventual legal dispute. A ban of the manifestation by the police of Vienna would have to be considered an act of political arbitrariness and repression.
The public is supporting the camp, but more material and helping hands are still needed:
- small and especially big tents, camping mats, mattrasses, sleeping bags
- sturdy shoes, large
- jackets, warm winter clothing
- first aid equipment
- money
- Walkie-Talkies
Tasks on the camp
Shift plans for security, infopoint and cooking hang out at the camp, sign up and help! Car drivers are looked for, too.
For any offers and support you want to give, come to the camp or contact: +43 (0)680 320 5000
Come by, bring friends and show your solidarity to the protesting refugees! :: twitter: refugee camp vienna
for more information see :: Blog refugeecampvienna