From 1st to 3rd of April 2016 in Freiburg and Basel No Border Action Days will take place. We don't look shocked and sad while for example wie sich z.B. along the Balkanroute peace by peace the borders are closed for migrants and refugees. WE DISTURB!
No Border Action Days
1st of April - 3rd of April in Freiburg (D) and Basel (CH)
Call to Action: Come to the No Border Action Days on the first weekend of April!
Hundreds of thousands of people are stuck in front of the borders along the Balkan Route, the Jungle in Calais is being evicted brutally, day by day people are dying in the Mediterranean Sea – and the EU's most urgent concern is to re-establish the „freedom“ inside the Schengen area to make vacation go on and profit more relaxed again? No fucking way!
We* are tired of watching silently in rage and grief, how the Fortress Europe is isolating itself and expulsing so many. Practical solidarity is important and humanitarian support is necessary. Yet we will not just keep reacting to evitable emergencies, support the state by massively providing basic need care without payment and play our role in Europe getting comfortable in its racist everyday mode. It is our responsibility to disturb here, and disturb, where it's hurting.
If they shut down the borders of the Schengen area for people on the run to shield off their deluded 'idyllic world' then we threaten the peace of the Schengen area!
We have objectives, we don't have demands. We don't want to legitimize the so-called 'decision makers' within and outside of the EU/Europe as such. We aim for the borders to open for everyone. Our protest is self-organized, as well as the world that we're building. Not one single initiative, no matter how powerful, will suddenly create a self-determined life for everybody, but the sum of determined actions keeps this very possibility alive.
Until everybody's free, no-one will be free!
In Freiburg (D) and Basel (CH) there is room to prepare together for the definite actions, however it won't be quite the space for networking and analysing. There will be possibilities to start traveling together to the action location and we'll have sleeping places organised for you. We won't let each other alone with the economical and emotional consequences of repression. You're welcome to stay for the Out-of-Action parts of the camps on Sunday.
About the definite actions we will speak at the very weekend. Especially we will talk about the possible forms of repression. Please prepare yourselves to act decisevly that weekend. It is very welcome if you want to do decentral actions on your own. Still: The more people we are at the big happenings, the less repression each one of us has to fear.
Freiburg: KTS (Baslerstraße 103, 79100 Freiburg, no space for parking)
Basel: Infopoint at the Hirscheneck (Lindenberg 23, 4058 Basel)
On our blog you can find a longer call to action, which is more detailed about how you can support us, without taking part in the actions directly.
Bog :: noborderaction.blogsport.eu
Contact: noborder[dot]action[at]riseup[dot]net
(The public pgp-key you can find on a key server or ask us to send it to you via mail. Please write us how many sleeping places you need.)
* here the so called „we“ means a loose group of political activists who share a relatively high amount of legal security, e.g. because of accidental privileges