From 5th to 10th of August 2015, a Camping Without Borders will take place at the french-italian border near Ventimiglia, where mahy migrants and refugees try to cross from Italy to French.
After the eviction on September 30th, 2015 of the self-organized camp that was born during the summer at «Balzi Rossi», the arrival in Ventimiglia of people travelling to the French border has never been arrested.
In April 2016 the Minister Alfano arrived on a visit to Ventimiglia, declaring its intention to "solve the problem and clean up the city by migrants." The control and repression dispositif that was putted in place showed up itself with all its violence: when the Red Cross local center was closed, migrants were hunted on the trains and in the streets, identified with the use of force and deported to the hotspots situated all around Italy. Even the repression of solidarity became more and more aggressive.
In the last months, because of the repressive violence and all the difficulties, the need to create shared moments of struggle and regain space of action was building up: in fact, the city was progressively militarized and there are growing intolerance and racism demonstrations.
We feel the need to build an important opportunity for an active and widespread solidarity struggle against the apartheid system and the closure of borders: let's destroy these mechanisms of exclusion.
The meeting point is on Friday, August the 5th at 9.00 hours in Tenda (a town in Valle Roia, France) to join a mobilization against the constructions of the «Tenda Bis» tunnel (a very expensive and useless tunnel across the mountain) and the devastation of the valley: let's stop the scravers, let's abolish every border.
Everyone who needs accommodations for the evening of August the 4th is welcome and can contact us for more information.
We invite all those who want to join us to try to be as independent as possible, taking with them all the necessary needs for camping.
It is also very welcome all the help in the days before the camping to help us in the organization and logistics.
The camping area will be communicated only at the last moment.
For information and contacts:
Mail: senzafrontiere (at) inventati.org
Telephone number: 0033605789487
Blog :: campeggiosenzafrontiere.noblogs.org