AMASO, the Afghanistan Migrants Adivce & Support Organisation, visited the hotel in Kabul, where the returnees are staying and met and interviewed at least 3 of those deported from Austria on 13. Oct 2017.
"I was unconscious whilst Austria deported me. They had my operation pipes cut off and took me to Afghanistan directly from the hospital. They thwarted my operation. I am still bleeding. I have no medical care in Kabul. Soon I'll be kicked to the street."
(shortened sum-up)
(shortened sum-up)
Hussain, one of the returnees from Austria was taken out of a hospital and brought straight to the airport to be returned back to Afghanistan. According to Hussain, he was unconscious throughout the journey and only knew he was deported when he woke up in Afghanistan. Hussain says he has been bleeding many times since he has been returned to Afghanistan. His next appointment with the doctor was on 22nd of October.
Hussain had an operation on his left kidney and is suffering from severe pain now. His right kidney is also infected and needs to be operated. With no medical support and a place to stay, he is worried what will happen to him once he is out of the hotel, after few days.
Hussain's both kidney's are badly infected and needs urgent medical care. Hussain had his operation on his left kidney few months ago and was recovering from it, when one day the police entered his apartment, handcuffed him and brought him to a hospital. He had pipes installed from the previous operation for him to recover fast. In the hospital, they took the pipe out in a hurry and handed over Hussain to the policemen, who were guarding him through out the process.
Shinwari and Safi are two of the other returnees that have been deported along with 9 others from Austria. Shinwari has lived in Austria for 2 and half years. Shinwari's brother was also present at the hotel when we met Shinwari. He has come to Kabul to meet his brother.
Shinwari's brother however wasn't there to receive Shinwari. Instead, he was there to tell him not to return back home, because of the fear of Taliban and ISIS. He fears Shinwari can be easily targeted knowing that he has returned back from Europe and can be labelled as a spy or infidel. According to Shinwari's brother; the area they are living is in control of Taliban and ISIS, therefore it is not a good idea for his brother to return home now.
Life threat is however not the only tension Shinwari has. He also fears he may have to pay back to those from whom he had borrowed money to get to Europe. Shinwari had borrowed a large sum of money to get out of Afghanistan, now that he as been deported, he doesn't know how to give that money back. We keep hearing the same question from Shinwari through out the meeting, many times.
"I can not return back home, what will happen to me after i am out of the hotel, what should i do, where should i go, i have no one in Kabul."
Safi has been deported back to Afghanistan after almost 9 years. Safi said, "everything was ok and there was no fear of deportation until the Afghan government made a deal with the EU in 2015 and suddenly everything was changed for Afghans. Now that i have been deported, i have not been to my family yet."
"I don't know how to go home and tell them that i have been deported back to Afghanistan after 9 years, i am currently staying with my cousin and don't know how long would i stay with him, and that would i actually be able to return to my parents at or not, i am so lost", said Safi.