Call to action for and information about the No Border Camp in Gorizia, north-east Italy, from 19 to 23 of July 2006.
Invitation - Call to Action
NO BORDER CAMP 2006, a summer of freedom, Gorizia, north-east Italy, from 19 to 23 of July 2006.
From some months the Detention Center of Gradisca d'Isonzo (GO) is working and they have been imprisoned more than 150 persons.
To little kilometers of distance, in the Center of Entertainment of Postojna in Slovenia, from years they are inmates women, children, refugees without some hope neither to exit neither to see the most elementary rights satisfied.
The border Italo-Sloveno of Schengen brands like "irregular migrants" hundred and hundred of persons for year and producing, like in past, one History of violences and ingiustizie.
These "centre of the shame" are wounded opened in the territories, but in the same time they show the inexorable objective of politicals intervention and the engagement of whom practises the insubordination and the resistance on the border.
Through the fights that they give years we carry ahead, we are resolutions to create between Italy and the Slovenia an effective territorial and transnational net of such opposition to monster, to Europe di Schengen, for the free circulation and Europe of the citizenship rights.
But in spite of this opposition, social and institutional, the former Minister of the Insides Italian Pisanu has ignored the will of the territory and its citizens and has opened the lager of Gradisca. In the same way we have seen all the contaddiction of Italian party representatives the left, than from oppositori, yesterday,to opening of the lager, today is found again to "governing it". And it is always presentthe blackmail of arbitrary European standards, that it's used in order to justify the existence, in every country, of these monstrous systems of deprivation of the freedom and humiliated of the human dignity.
But the responsibility of the existence of these centers falls back also on who these centers make them to work. They are the agencies managers, than, showing an attendance activity, in truth speculates on the life of the migranti and they become rich taking advantage of their suffering. It's the case of the Minerva Cooperative that manages the Detention Center of Gradisca.
In these weeks serious episodes are emerged that demonstrate the climate inside this cpt: actions of self-destruction of the migrants, rooms of control and isolation, continuous tensions between migrants and workers of the Minerva, some trying of escape, hunger strikes and one insufficient attendance to persons with health problems. Moreover, because of the particular regimen to which these centers they are subordinates, has been and is still difficult to understand the real number of persons daily withholdings, transferred or deported.
We are convinced, today like yesterday, than beyond whichever political color they can have the European governments, the only way in order to close the lager of Gradisca, that one of Postojna in Slovenia, like all that present in every other country, is that one of mobilitation again in permanent way against the Detention Centers and against the legal-economic system that holds them in feet.
The proposal that we have carried to the Assembly of the IWW to Verona the 3 june 2006, and to the nets that acknowledges to you, is that one to join and to participate since endured to a mobilitation that means to besiege the border orients them of Europe fortress. In order to make this we launch the invite to all the local, national and European nets, to participate and to construct with, a week of actions, you debate yourself, music and of public initiatives against the cpt, for the free circulation.
A week in which the lager of this territory, the management of them and all those who of it allow the operation, will not have peace, because that shame goes closed sluice, as the center of Postojna in Slovenia and all go sluices the other European Centers of Deportation. We launch this appeal to all the European antiracist nets, to all the truths that in these years have fought against the lager for migrants, racism and the precarity, in order to meet again to us with to Gorizia from the 19 to the 23 July 2006, where we will use the Sociale Center Clandestino as field base for besiege of the border and the Detention Centers!
For the free circulation of people!
Not one is illegal, we are all migrant's
Logistic and how to arrive
No Border Camp in Gorizia, from the 19 to the 23 of July 2006.
This is the translation of the web page: http://www.globalproject.info/art-8798.html
Contact: nobordergorizia (at) globalproject.info
This summer, from the 19 to the 23 the antiracist July, the network movements of the north-east of Italy and the Slovenia organize to Gorizia a No Border Camp to organize a new season of struggle against the Detention Centers. For several years in these territories the transnational network of movement have been fights against the European frontier, mobilitations against the militarization of the territory, fights and initiatives together with the migranti siblings against the Detention Centers of :: Gradisca d'Isonzo and that one of :: Postojna (:: english) in Slovenia.
In this particular moment it is strongly the necessity to find again all together in order to construct and to animate new initiative against the barbarisms of the Detention Centers and the European political on immigration.
The No Border Camp of Gorizia can become one great occasion, for all the national and European nets, in order to share reflections, experiences and distances and in order to throw again a new cycle of mobilitations for the closing of this lager and one the radical modification of the laws on immigration.
The camping will be situated to the inside of the Piuma/Peuma park of Gorizia/Nova Gorica where the Clandestino Social Center is located. The park is crossed from the river Isonzo, a river that is born in Slovenia and finisch in the Adriatic, a river without borders that a strong symbolic value for who in these lands assumes therefore daily is struck against the frontiers.
The vicinity of the border and two Detention Centers, the grip net of collaboration created with the Slovenian movements, progressive "Europeanization" of the laws on immigration in Slovenia, are some of the elements that render this territory the just place for No Border Camp. Moreover, the large one and accommodates them green area chosen for the camping, constitutes the ideal place in order to pass one pleasant week of antiracist mobilitation.
It looks at the :: images of the area of the No Border Camp.
Besides the area turned to the camping, with all the necessary services, there will be the area for the concerts where every evening will be given space to various local groups and the angle cinema / conference where every day will be organized debates, meetings, projections and workshops. There will be also the global_point, the media angle of the camping equipped with access to internet with wi-fi.
Inside the camping an area will exclusively be devoted to the children with a kindergarten. Besides the Amnesty Restaurant will be activated and a cocktail bar. In the saloon of the CSO a zone has been predisposed shows with the exposure of :: "Donde està el Corazon" of Simona Granati.
:: Map camping
A system will be activated of an accredit that it will guarantee for five days, besides the access in the camping and the services, two meals a day to a moderate price. For information and accreditations a mail can be sent to nobordergorizia (at) globalproject.info.
Possession for time the communications on the anticipated arrivals it will allow to organize to the best the reception
As to arrive:
- by car:
From Venice - > highway A4 direction Trieste, to the exit of Villesse to continue on the highway connection in direction of Gorizia. (:: see map)
From Trieste - > highway A4 direction Venice, to the exit of Villesse to continue on the highway connection in direction of Gorizia. (:: see map)
From Udine -> highway A4 direction Trieste, to the exit of Villesse to continue on the highway connection in direction of Gorizia. (:: see map)
To the term of the highway connection to Gorizia, to go in the round one, to take to the third escape (Gorizia Center). To continue straight after the first one traficlight along via Trieste, to turn to right in via Duca of Aosta, to the semaforo to continue straight in via Nazario Sauro, always straight continuing in via Rome until Public square of the Victoria, to the second traficlights to turn on the left in via Goffredo Mameli, to the traficlights to continue straight in via Chiara Saint and then always straight in avenue XX September, after the Bridge to the left is the camping. (:: see map)
- by train:
Gorizia is equipped of railway station, is found on the Trieste-Udine line (:: see map). From the station is the bus number 8 that arrives near of the bridge (stopped of via Don Bosco) and therefore to little steps from the camping (:: see map).
Web: :: globalproject.info (italiano)
Mail: nobordergorizia (at) globalproject.info