During the noborder camp in Gorizia, Italy, several actions took place. After a blockade at CPT di Gradisca on 21 July, a blockade of the Postojna detention centre (Slo) on 22 July endet with police repression.
About 150 noborder camp activists from Slovenia, Italy, Austria and Spain came to Postojna with demand to close this illegal institutions where the police is taking as hostages people who commited no crime, but only becouse they dont have documents.
The peacefull action was to symbolicaly close the gates. But in the moment when we start with action police came out of the centre and start to attack people. After first police strike and our sucessfull defense we declared that this action is at end and that we are going home now. But right in this moment special police troops arrived from our back side and start to beat everybody in their range of attack. Also journalists, handicaped and minors.
They put around 150 persons in the circle on very small area for one our and start to pull out people who were suspicious according to profesional police judgement. They arrested 7 people (5 italians and 2 austrians) and released them after short-time.
The action in front of deportation center in Postojna (Slovenia) was stopped by serious police repression action. This police violence on noborder activists is the clear evidence that people inprisoned in detention centres are treated every day...
Source :: 7 arested in yesterdays action in front of detention center Postojna, published on 24. Jul 2006 at :: indymedia.org.uk.