Information in case of problems for people crossing or coming from Austria in direction to G8 Heiligendamm.
By Legal Support Team/Rechtshilfe
Our weapon against this consists of solidarity, good information and communal action! If you meet any control or check at the border, or other incidents, please spread the information via phonenumber ++43 - (0)676 - 7746657. Information about the situation on the border will be given on the website: http://www.no-racism.net
Also we try to have supportpoints and/or supporting activists in bigger cities near some border crossings. In case you get into trouble or are being sent back, you can go there to get help and more information. The information about those places/activists will be given if needed via phone.
In the next days we will provide furthermore some information about the legal situation in Austria as well, for those activists who want to resist the G8-summit, but are not able to cross the borders and therefore want to take some action at and around the border.
In case you get into juridical problems during or after the G8-summit in Austria, do not hesitate to contact the phonenumber above as well for assistance.
Rechtshilfe/Legal Support Team