In Paris in Oct 2008: conference, rally and giant concert (Oct 17+18). The protests are directed against the "European Pact on immigration and asylum" (Oct 13+14) and the EU-Africa Summit (Oct 20+21).
France has chosen migration as one of the priority areas for the French presidency of the European Union, due to take place in the last six months of 2008.
The Council of the European Union will meet in Paris on October 13th and 14th with the aim of adopting a "European pact on immigration and asylum". Moreover, the second Euro-African inter-ministerial conference on migration and development will take place in Paris also, on October 20th and 21st , following the first of such conferences, in Rabat in 2006.
France is planning to suggest to its European counterparts that they adopt agreements on a "concerted management of migration flows and co-development" as a model of negotiation through which it will promote selective immigration, and ask Southern countries to accept its nationals back home as well as those of other countries who have passed through their territory.
The organisations signing this call are concerned by the treatment given to migration flows, which is essentially focused on security and is responsible for thousands of deaths; and by the economic choices made that keep African countries away from development. They are launching this call to give a voice to European and African civil societies.
It is high time that the issue of migration and development be really considered in terms of common interests: i.e. interests shared by the countries of origin, by the countries migrants go through, by the destination countries, but most importantly, the interests of the migrants themselves.
We want another Europe than the one that is becoming a fortress and that is taking disproportionate measures to prevent people from entering its territory and expel those who have entered. We reject the systematisation of detention centres and forced returns.
Following the first non-governmental Euro-African conference on "migration, freedom of circulation and fundamental rights" held in Rabat in 2006,
We are calling for a wide participation, in Paris on October 17th and 18th, 2008 to promote another vision of immigration and another type of relationship between the European Union, Africa and the rest of the world. We will hold the second non-governmental Euro-African conference, organise a big rally to request another European policy, and enjoy a giant concert.
Contact: sommet.citoyen.migrations (at) gmail.com
Organisations already signatories: ACCUEIL PAYSAN, ACORT (Assemblée Citoyenne des Originaires de Turquie), ADESCAM Maroc (Association de Sensibilisation et de développement des Camerounais migrants au Maghreb), AFVMC Cameroun (Aide aux Familles et Victimes des Migrations Clandestines), AIPDRDA (Association Interafricaine pour la Promotion et la Défense des Droits des Réfugiés et Demandeurs d'Asile), AMDH Mauritanie (Association Mauritanienne des Droits de l'Homme), ANAFE (Association Nationale d'Assistance aux Frontières pour les Etrangers), ARSF (Association des Réfugiés Sans Frontières), ATMF (Association des Travailleurs Maghrébins de France), ATTAC France (Association pour la Taxation des Transactions financières pour l'Aide aux Citoyennes et citoyens), ATTAC Maroc (Association pour la Taxation des Transactions financières pour l'Aide aux Citoyennes et citoyens), AUTRE MONDE, CEDETIM, CFDT (Confédération Française Démocratique du Travail), CIEMI (Centre d'Information et d'Etudes sur les Migrations), CIMADE, CNCD (Centre National de Coopération et Développement), Collectif "Immigration Fonction publique" – CGT (Confédération Générale du Travail), CONFEDERATION PAYSANNE, CRID (Centre de Recherche et d'Information pour le Développement, DROITS DEVANT !!, EMDH (Enfants du Monde-Droits de l'Homme), EMMAUS EUROPE, EMMAUS INTERNATIONAL, FAL (France Amérique Latine), FASTI (Fédération des Associations de Solidarité avec les Travailleurs Immigrés), Fluechtlingsrat Hamburg (Conseil de réfugiés Hambourg), FTCR (Fédération des Tunisien-ne-s pour une Citoyenneté des deux Rives), FEMMES SOLIDAIRES, FSU (Fédération Syndicale Unitaire), GREF (Groupement des Retraités Educateurs sans frontière), IDD (Immigration Développement Démocratie), IPAM (Initiatives Pour un Autre Monde), LDH (Ligue des Droits de l'Homme), MRAP (Mouvement contre le Racisme et pour l'Amitié entre les Peuples), OBSERV.I.X (Observatoire de l'Institutionnalisation de la Xénophobie), PEUPLES SOLIDAIRES, RACORT (Rassemblement des Associations Citoyennes des Originaires de Turquie), REMDH (Réseau Euro-Méditérranéen pour les Droits de l'Homme), RESF (Réseau Education Sans Frontières), RSF MAROC (Réfugiés Sans Frontières), SECOURS CATHOLIQUE, SURVIE, TERRE DES HOMMES France, UCIJ (Uni-e-s Contre une Immigration Jetable), UNION SYNDICALE SOLIDAIRES
This call was published in a :: first version in May 2008 (archive). Here is the final version with supporters by 06. Jul 2008.